Witcher Wiki

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Witcher Wiki
Declan, a prominent merchant

There are many merchants that Γκέραλτ encounters in his travels through Vizima and environs. Some are specialists, others are generalists and a few a just opportunists.

Κεφάλαιο I Κεφάλαιο II Κεφάλαιο III Κεφάλαιο IV Κεφάλαιο V Κάρτα Ρομάντζου

Locations[ | ]

Notable Merchants[ | ]

Declan Leuvaarden Abigail
Elder druid
Haren Brogg the Hermit Julian
Καλκσταιν Murky Waters healer Thaler Vaska Gardener

Merchants by Κεφάλαιο[ | ]

Κεφάλαιο I Κεφάλαιο I[ | ]

Κεφάλαιο II Κεφάλαιο II[ | ]

Κεφάλαιο III Κεφάλαιο III[ | ]

Κεφάλαιο IV Κεφάλαιο IV[ | ]

Κεφάλαιο V Κεφάλαιο V[ | ]

καταχώρηση στο ημερολόγιο / Κάρτα Ρομάντζου[ | ]

This journal entry pertains only to one of two mutually exclusive encounters that Γκέραλτ has in the Trade Quarter with a ευγενής κυρία.

"Vizima's Trade Quarter — rich townspeople with sophisticated tastes and knowledge of the newest fashions."

The first is a woman in a vermilion dress (over a white chemise, with purple trim on her headdress), found near the jester on John Natalis Square. She wants you to prove your manliness, either by presenting her with a kikimore claw or by offering her an insultingly low fee (0 works). The other option is a (possibly drunk) woman in white, near the town hall, who uses a "missing" silk scarf to start a conversation with the witcher.

Βίντεο[ | ]

Romance card gallery[ | ]