Witcher Wiki

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Witcher Wiki

Φίλτρα Φίλτρα[]

Εικόνα Όνομα Περιγραφή Αγορά Πωλώ
Rook Rook Increases damage dealt with swords. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Golden oriole Golden oriole Increases all resistances. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Petri's philtre Petri's philtre Increases Sign intensity. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Cat Γάτα Allows Geralt to see in the dark and through walls. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Swallow Χελιδονιού Accelerates Vitality regeneration. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Tiara Tiara Limits loss of Vigor when parrying at the expense of damage dealt and Vitality. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Lapwing Lapwing Significantly increases regeneration of Vigor while reducing Vitality and all resistances. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Wolf Wolf Increases accuracy of special attacks that cause critical effects. No side effects. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Virga Virga Increases all resistances while reducing chance of causing critical effects. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Significantly increases damage dealt at the expense of Vitality and its regeneration. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Mongoose Mongoose Provides protection from the kayran's toxic mucus. 10 - 251 oren(s) 11 oren(s) 0.2
Tawny owl Κουκουβάγιας Accelerates Vigor regeneration. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Stammelford's Philtre Stammelford's Philtre Increases Sign intensity while reducing vitality. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Maribor forest Maribor forest Significantly increases Vigor while reducing Vitality and chance of causing critical effects. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
White Raffard's decoction White Raffard's decoction Significantly increases Vitality while reducing damage dealt. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Brock Brock Significantly increases chance of causing critical effects while reducing all resistances. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2
Gadwall Gadwall Significantly increases the regeneration of Vitality at the expense of Vigor and damage dealt. 10 - 26 oren(s) 2 oren(s) 0.2

Έλαια Έλαια[]

Εικόνα Όνομα Περιγραφή Αγορά Πωλώ
Falka's Blood Falka's Blood Increases maximum sword damage dealt. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2
Brown oil Brown oil Increases Bleeding. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2
Necrophage oil Necrophage oil Increases damage dealt to necrophages. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2
Hanged man's venom Hanged man's venom Increases damage dealt to humans. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2
Specter oil Specter oil Increases damage dealt to specters. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2
Whirl Whirl Increases damage dealt. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2
Arachnid oil Arachnid oil Poisons foes. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2
Insectoid oil Insectoid oil Increases damage dealt to insectoids. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.2

Βόμβες Βόμβες[]

Εικόνα Όνομα Περιγραφή Αγορά Πωλώ
Samum Samum Stuns and immobilizes all enemies in range. 40 - 101 oren(s) 5 oren(s) 0.5
Grapeshot Grapeshot After detonating wounds all enemies in range with shrapnel. 40 - 101 oren(s) 5 oren(s) 0.5
Devil's puffball Devil's puffball Releases a cloud of poison gas. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.5
Dancing star Dancing star Explodes with fire and wounds enemies. 50 - 126 oren(s) 6 oren(s) 0.5
Dragon's dream Dragon's dream Releases a cloud of flammable gas. 40 - 101 oren(s) 5 oren(s) 0.5
Flare Flare Illuminates the surrounding area when detonated. 20 - 51 oren(s) 3 oren(s) 0.5
Zerrikanian sun Zerrikanian sun Blinds and immobilizes all enemies in range. 40 - 101 oren(s) 5 oren(s) 0.5
Stenchbulb Stenchbulb Releases a foul-smelling cloud that decreases the statistics of all enemies within it. 30 - 76 oren(s) 4 oren(s) 0.5
Red haze Red haze Releases a cloud of psychoactive gas. 1 oren(s) 1 oren(s) 0.5