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Witcher Wiki
an alchemist

We know of several alchemists through the alchemical manuscripts and books that are mentioned or found throughout the books and game. There may be more, who spent less time writing, and more time simply experimenting, who have left no trace in "history". Some alchemists from the books and game are listed below.

  • Raffard the White
  • Vysogota of Corvo

Στο παιχνίδι The Witcher[]

In The Witcher, most alchemists are also merchants and at least one is a witch. In fact, the only known alchemist in the game who is not also a merchant is Azar Javed.

Στο παιχνίδι για υπολογιστή The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

During the quests Little Shop of Dreams and The Scent of Incense, Γκέραλτ attempts to get the formula for some suspicious incense for a local alchemist, Vencel Pugg.

There is also an "Alchemist" skill in the alchemy tree in the Character panel.