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Witcher Wiki

In The Witcher, steel swords are used primarily against άνθρωποι and μη-άνθρωποι, as they reportedly have little effect on monsters, with a few exceptions: Vodyanoi, Dogs and Wolves are also effective steel sword targets.

Witcher's steel blade[]

The Witcher's Steel Blade is one of the steel swords that Γκέραλτ receives at the beginning of the game, during the Πρόλογος (the very first being a rusty sword).

Although it is used primarily against humans and reportedly has little effect on monsters, Γκέραλτ is able to fight off most monsters during the early stages of the game using only this sword.

In the Prologue, Vesemir mentions that witchers have good cold steel. The best improvement for this sword is to have a meteorite sword forged.

Witcher's steel blade
  • Attack is governed by attack style.
  • Defense is governed by defense skills.
  • Damage is governed by currently applied enhancements.

Has the general two-handed longsword model.

 αγορά πωλώ
200 orens  40 orens 


Ard'aenye is a sword which used to be found during Κεφάλαιο IV of The Witcher, the first time Γκέραλτ entered the fields. It is no longer available in the game, but does appear to be the same model as the sword used by the Grand Master of the Order of the Flaming Rose. It closely resembles the description of a gnomish gwyhyr in the novels. For the Enhanced Edition, Ard'aenye used to be found during Κεφάλαιο V, inside the Raven's crypt, at the Νεκροταφεία Βάλτου.

For statistics on this sword in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings see this page.


Damage + 200%

  • No extra stats
 αγορά πωλώ
2500 orens  500 orens 

Ceremonial sword of Deithwen[]

This sword can be found several places, like some blacksmith shops, usually after Κεφάλαιο III. It is widely used by elven sword masters or commandos and is also found on the body of Yaevinn. It is also as a reward if you finished the quest:Ripples with a contract from the friendly vodyanoi priest in Κεφάλαιο IV. Perfect for disarming opponents and the effect is active regardless of sword style.

Not recommended as foes will toggle to dagger after being disarmed and inflict pain on Γκέραλτ.

Ceremonial sword of Deithwen

Damage − 30%

  • Chance of critical effect: Disarm + 60%
  • Chance of critical effect: Precise hit + 30%

Looks like a sabre of elven style.

 αγορά πωλώ
1500 orens  300 orens 

Dol Blathanna rune sword[]

This sword is carried by Ξωτικά and so is not usually found anywhere but on their remains. It is a steel sword used to fight humans. Ineffective against most monsters. Used in witcher combat styles.

Dol Blathanna rune sword
  • Chance of critical effect: Disarm + 45%
  • Chance of critical effect: Precise hit + 40%
  • Armor Penetration: + 20%

Looks like a scimitar.

 αγορά πωλώ
1000 orens  200 orens 


This sword was carried by Azar Javed during the end of Κεφάλαιο II. It was also given to Γκέραλτ by Velerad as a gift from King Foltest for curing Princess Adda. For statistics on this sword in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings see this page.


Damage + 30%

  • Chance of critical effect: Pain + 50%
  • Chance of critical effect: Disarm + 25%

Looks like a curved saber with a monster head as a pommel.

 αγορά πωλώ
1500 orens  300 orens 

Elven sword of the Blue Mountains[]

A regular elven sword. This sword is carried by Ξωτικά and so is not usually found anywhere but on their remains.

Elven sword of the Blue Mountains

Damage − 30%

  • Chance of critical effect: Disarm + 20%
  • Chance of critical effect: Precise hit + 15%

Looks like an elven sword (bent blade).

 αγορά πωλώ
400 orens  80 orens 


This is the sword, a Mahakaman rune sihill, Γκέραλτ receives from the dentist for completing the Won't Hurt a Bit quest. Additionally, the Royal huntsman offers Γκέραλτ a choice of this sword or the Moonblade for turning all ten trophy monster heads. It can also be obtained by completing Mud and Velvet quest by keeping the money for yourself (if so, you have to kill Captain Jean-Pierre). For statistics on this sword in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings see this page.


Damage + 100%

  • Penetrates opponent armour.

Looks like a broadsword.

 αγορά πωλώ
1000 orens  200 orens 


This sword was carried by Velerad during Κεφάλαιο III. It can be bought from blacksmith's son during Κεφάλαιο IV. It can not be found in any remains. A well balanced sword. It has better stats than most of the swords, but it is also the most expensive sword in the game. For statistics on this sword in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings see this page.


Damage + 50%

  • Chance of critical effect: Disarm + 40%
  • Chance of critical effect: Pain + 40%
  • Chance of critical effect: Precise hit + 40%

Looks like an Egyptian kopesh.

 αγορά πωλώ
3000 orens  600 orens 


Harvall can be found in Κεφάλαιο II, or III in the swamp on a decomposing body on Νησί του Γουίβερν (in the north central part of the swamp), or in Κεφάλαιο IV, on a corpse north of the Small farm in the Χωράφια (though it seems it is there only the first time you visit the area). It can also be obtained by completing Sabrina Glevissig's mission in The Price of Neutrality premium module.

It is a better blade than the witcher's steel blade, most use it as a replacement early in the game.


Damage + 30%

  • Chance of critical effect: Disarm + 20%
  • Chance of critical effect: Pain + 20%
  • Chance of critical effect: Precise hit + 20%
 αγορά πωλώ
1500 orens  300 orens 

Holy sword of the Order[]

This sword can be found on on the body of Patrick de Weyze after a battle during one path of an Κεφάλαιο III sidequest. It can also be found on the body of Siegfried after you kill him in the streets of the Temple Quarter in the Epilogue. Can also be found in barracks near order smith. Also it can be found in the wardrobe in Siegfried's quarters.

Holy sword of the Order

Damage + 10%

  • No extra stats

Looks like a broader two-handed longsword with a gold/jeweled/ornate hilt.

 αγορά πωλώ
500 orens  100 orens 

Illegal sword[]

These swords can be found on the corpses of vanquished Salamandra anywhere from Κεφάλαιο III onward. Critical effects suit the witcher fighting style for steel blades.

Illegal sword

Damage − 20%

  • Chance of critical effect: Bleeding + 30%
  • Chance of critical effect: Pain + 30%
  • Chance of critical effect: Precise hit + 30%
 αγορά πωλώ
350 orens  70 orens 

Rusty sword[]

The rusty sword is the first weapon Γκέραλτ receives in the Prologue. These swords can be found in lots of remains of adversaries, but sometimes in containers, most commonly in the early Κεφάλαιοs. In Κεφάλαιο III, there is one on a corpse west of the Golem burial ground.

Rusty Sword

Damage − 30%

  • No extra stats

Looks like the general two-handed longsword model in very bad shape.

 αγορά πωλώ
100 orens  20 orens 

Sword of the Order[]

This sword can be found on guards affiliated with the Order of the Flaming Rose, anywhere from Κεφάλαιο II onward.

Sword of the Order

Damage − 10%

  • No extra stats

Looks like a broader two-handed longsword with a gold, jewelled, ornate hilt.

 αγορά πωλώ
350 orens  70 orens 

Temerian steel sword[]

These swords are sold most everywhere and are also found on many bodies throughout the game.

Temerian steel sword

Damage − 20%

  • No extra stats

Has the general two-handed longsword model.

 αγορά πωλώ
200 orens  40 orens 

Sword of Vaclav's grandfather[]

This sword is not actually found in the game, only in the game assets files.

Sword of Vaclav's grandfather
  • unknown
price unknown