Witcher Wiki

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Witcher Wiki
Βόρεια Βασίλεια

Βόρεια Βασίλεια are a group of Ανθρώπινων states north of the Amell mountains. Their inhabitants are called Nordlings by the Nilfgaardians (both the ones from the core of the Empire, and from the conquered provinces). Aside from Ανθρώπινων, a number of Νάνους‎, Ξωτικά‎, Γνωμικά‎ and halflings live in the Northern Kingdoms as second-class citizens.

Βόρεια Βασίλεια were invaded and partly conquered by Αυτοκρατορία του Nilfgaard.

Geographical distinctions[ | ]

Major Βόρεια Βασίλεια Minor kingdoms Principalities and regions
  • Cidaris Cidaris
  • Brugge Brugge
  • COA Hengfors2 Hengfors League
    • COA Hengfors2 Caingorn
    • Creyden Creyden
    • Malleore Malleore
  • Kerack Kerack
  • Skellige Skellige Islands
  • Sodden Sodden
    • Lower Sodden Lower Sodden
  • Verden Verden
  • Angren Angren
  • Bremervoord Bremervoord
  • Ellander Ellander
  • Narok Narok
  • Talgar Talgar
  • Velhad Velhad

Maps[ | ]