Witcher Wiki

Calling all Greek wiki editors! We now have a Greek-language Minecraft Wiki available, in addition to this Greek-language Witcher wiki. Help us make these fine wikis into the valuable resources they can be!


Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

Δύναμη — Click on any of the attributes below for a more complete description. Simply hovering your mouse cursor over the attribute will post a label with its title.

Δύναμη (Επίπεδο 1)BuzzTrue GritΔύναμη (Επίπεδο 2)PositionRegenerationBrawlΔύναμη (Επίπεδο 3)VigorKnockdown ResistanceSurvival InstinctΔύναμη (Επίπεδο 4)Resistance to BleedingStone SkinAggressionΔύναμη (Επίπεδο 5)Wound ResistanceAdded VitalityΔύναμη δέντρο