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Witcher Wiki

Blade enhancements (or weapon upgrades) include Έλαια, προσωρινούς and permanent ρούνους, and a few other items found in the game. Μετεωρίτη ore is included (for completeness) but it is more of a blade replacement. Also note that only one oil or temporary rune can be active at a time; effects do not stack (i.e. the new application removes the previous one).

Έλαια (used individually)[]

Argentia Argentia Blade enhancement for silver blades only, will make steel blades worse (but only temporarily!).
Brown oil Brown oil Causes more bleeding.
Crinfrid oil Crinfrid oil Causes more pain.
Hanged man's venom Hanged man's venom Poisons the target.
Insectoid oil Insectoid oil Insectoid-specific enhancement.
Necrophage oil Necrophage oil Necrophage-specific enhancement
Ornithosaur oil Ornithosaur oil Ornithosaur-specific enhancement.
Specter oil Specter oil Specter-specific enhancement for silver blades as steel blades are not much use against spectres.
Vampire oil Vampire oil Vampire-specific enhancement.

Προσωρινούς ρούνους (used individually)[]

αγορά πωλώ
Perun Perun A temporary blade enhancement, good for either silver or steel blades. 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Svarog Svarog A temporary blade enhancement, good for either silver or steel blades. 100 oren(s) 20 oren(s)
Vodon Vodon A temporary blade enhancement, good for either silver or steel blades. 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)

Permanent ρούνους (used in combinations of 3)[]

αγορά πωλώ
Earth Earth Rune which can be permanently branded along with two more onto a silver sword. 500 oren(s) 100 oren(s)
Moon Moon Rune which can be permanently branded along with two more onto a silver sword. 800 oren(s) 160 oren(s)
Sun Sun Rune which can be permanently branded along with two more onto a silver sword. 300 oren(s) 60 oren(s)

Μετεωρίτη (used in combinations of 3)[]

αγορά πωλώ
Blue ore Blue Blue meteorite ore which can be used to forge an enhanced steel sword. 300 oren(s) 60 oren(s)
Red ore Red Red meteorite ore which can be used to forge an enhanced steel sword. 500 oren(s) 100 oren(s)
Yellow ore Yellow Yellow meteorite ore which can be used to forge an enhanced steel sword. 800 oren(s) 160 oren(s)

Other (used individually)[]

αγορά πωλώ
Diamond dust Diamond dust Increases damage inflicted by 40%, good for either silver or steel blades. 40 oren(s) 8 oren(s)
Grindstone Grindstone Increases damage inflicted by 20%, good for either silver or steel blades. 20 oren(s) 4 oren(s)
Whetstone Whetstone Increases damage inflicted by 10%, good for either silver or steel blades. 10 oren(s) 2 oren(s)