Witcher Wiki

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Witcher Wiki

Game icon journal big The journal is the best source of information within the original game.

Whenever a new entry is added to the journal, the journal icon will change to a glowing blue. It is well worth reading these updates as, very often, information critical to plot advancement is supplied in this manner. Left-click on the scroll icon, or press J to open the journal.

Sections[ | ]

Journal section icon Quests
Journal section icon Formula

Journal section icon Characters
Journal section icon Ingredients

Journal section icon Locations
Journal section icon Glossary

Journal section icon Monsters
Journal section icon Tutorials

Journal section icon Αποστολές[ | ]

The quests section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ receives new quests, or advances in existing quests. While initially virtually empty, this list of quests fills up remarkably quickly with useful information. It allows the player to look up information on quests in a variety of ways.

By importance:
Show all Αποστολές Show Πρωτεύουσες Αποστολές only Show Δευτερεύουσες Αποστολές only
By Chapter:
Show quests from all acts Show quests from the Πρόλογος‎ Show quests from Κεφάλαιο I Show quests from Κεφάλαιο II Show quests from Κεφάλαιο III Show quests from Κεφάλαιο IV Show quests from Κεφάλαιο V Show quests from the Επίλογος‎
By progress:
a lit radio button Show active quests only / Show all quests
an unlit radio button Show active phases / Show all phases

The status of any given quest is also indicated by one of three icons:

active quest Active quest, trackable using the icon on the right
successfully completed quest Successfully completed quest
failed quest Failed quest

Track quest

You may also left-click on "Track Quest" to track the mission on the map.

Journal section icon Χαρακτήρες[ | ]

Not all the people Γκέραλτ encounters in his journey will appear in the Characters section of his journal, but those who do are listed here.

  • For a complete list of all characters, see the characters category.
  • Price of Neutrality character entries
  • Παρενέργειες character entries

Journal section icon Τοποθεσίες[ | ]

Not all the locations that Γκέραλτ visits will appear as entries in the Locations section of his journal, but those which do are listed here. For a complete list of all locations in the game, see the game locations category.

Journal section icon Τέρατα[ | ]

The monsters, or Bestiary entries, section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ encounters, reads or is told about new monsters. While initially virtually empty, this list of monsters and beasts fills up remarkably quickly with useful information. It allows the player to look up information on monsters in a few different ways.

Show all monsters Show boss monsters only Show beasts only

For a quick reference list of all monsters in The Witcher see our The Witcher bestiary category, or the Τέρατα page.

Journal section icon Formula[ | ]

The formula section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ receives new information about βόμβες, έλαια and φίλτρα, as well as when he reads various scrolls and books. While initially virtually empty, this list of quests fills up remarkably quickly with useful information. It allows the player to look up information on formulae in a variety of ways.

Show all formulae Show potion formulae only Show oil formulae only Show bomb formulae only

Journal section icon Συστατικά[ | ]

The ingredients section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ reads about or is told about new ingredients, which include Βότανα, Μέλη Τεράτων and Ορυκτά. While initially virtually empty, this list of quests fills up remarkably quickly with useful information. It allows the player to look up information on ingredients in a variety of ways.

Show all ingredient types Show vitriol ingredients only Show rebis ingredients only Show aether ingredients only Show quebrith ingredients only Show hydragenum ingredients only Show vermilion ingredients only Show unique ingredients only

Journal section icon Γλωσσάριο[ | ]

The glossary section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ reads about or enters new areas of the game, see the Γλωσσάριο page for a list.

Journal section icon Φροντιστήριο[ | ]

The tutorial section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ encounters something new in the game that needs explaining. To look up all the tutorial messages, see the Φροντιστήριο page.