A[ | ]
- Abigail
- Adam
- Adda the White
- Alina
- Alvin
- Andrew Gablodda
- Angus
- Antoinette
- Armorer
- Assassins of Kings
- Azar Javed
B[ | ]
- Berengar
- Blacksmith's son
- Blacksmith's wife
- Murky Waters blacksmith
- Blacksmiths
- Blue-eyed lass
- Bogut Kuternoga
- Boholt
- Bookseller
- Bootblack
- Brickmakers
- Brogg
- Butter Bean
C[ | ]
- Carmen
- Caroline
- Celina
- Chireadan
- Chivay
- City Guard
- Clerks
- Coccacidium
- Coleman
- Con artist
- Conrad
- Courtesans
D[ | ]
E[ | ]
F[ | ]
G[ | ]
- Gambling ghost
- Gardener
- Gellert Bleinheim
- Γκέραλτ της Ρίβια
- Golan Vivaldi
- Gramps
- Grand Master of the Order
- Grandma
- Gravedigger
- Greater cockatrice
H[ | ]
I[ | ]
J[ | ]
K[ | ]
L[ | ]
M[ | ]
- Maarloeve
- mage
- Maggot
- Malcolm Stein
- Marcus Vertz
- Mason Harn
- Meis
- Merchants
- Merigold
- Midday bride
- Mikul
- Missing creatures
- Moa
- Morenn
- Munro Bruys
- Murky Waters healer
- Mysterious man
N[ | ]
O[ | ]
P[ | ]
- Pat
- Patrick de Weyze
- People of Murky Waters
- People of the Outskirts
- Philippa Eilhart
- Poor townsfolk
- Prize-winning cow
- Professor (NPC)
- Prostitutes
Q[ | ]
R[ | ]
- Radovid V
- Ramsmeat
- Raven
- Rayla
- Raymond Maarloeve
- Ren Grouver
- Resolute girl
- Αιδεσιμότατου
- The Rock
- Roderick de Wett
- Roland Bleinheim
- Royal huntsman