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Albedo is an additional, or secondary substance which is present in some alchemical ingredients in addition to the primary substance. All alchemical Συστατικά contain one of six basic substances: aether, hydragenum, quebrith, rebis, vermilion and vitriol. There are also three additional substances: albedo, nigredo and rubedo. Any given ingredient may contain only a single basic substance and potentially one additional, or secondary substance.

Φίλτρα Albedo Φίλτρα: If all ingredients used to create a given potion contain albedo as an additional substance, the potion created reduces the Τοξικότητα of any subsequently imbibed potions for 1 hour, which is not the entire duration of most potion effects, but very helpful with Blizzard.


  • Drinking an Albedo potion when you already have the Albedo effect will not reduce Τοξικότητα further. The effects do not stack.

Βότανα με albedo[]

Substances Small Aether Berbercane fruit
Substances Small Quebrith Honeysuckle
Substances Small Quebrith Verbena
Substances Small Vitriol White myrtle petals
Substances Small Hydragenum Wolf's aloe leaves
Substances Small Vermilion Wolfsbane

Ορυκτά με albedo[]

  • none

Μέλη Τεράτων με albedo[]

Substances Small Vermilion Bloedzuiger blood
Substances Small Aether Drowner brain tissue
Substances Small Vitriol Echinops rootstock
Substances Small Hydragenum Ectoplasm
Substances Small Quebrith Vodyanoi bladder
Substances Small Rebis Wing membrane