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This page contains the price lists for all books and Ειλητάρια found in the game and premium modules. There are other lists of books, this booklist shows where they can be found and if they are available for free.


Εικόνα Τίτλος Αγορά Πωλώ
Reference The Aftermath of the War 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Reference Against Nonhumans 80 oren(s) 16 oren(s)
Bestiary Animating the Inanimate 150 oren(s) 30 oren(s)
Reference Ars Amandi 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Reference Ballads 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Bestiary Barghests 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Reference Basics of Alchemy 70 oren(s) 14 oren(s)
Bestiary The Book of Animals 100 oren(s) 20 oren(s)
Reference The Conjunction of the Spheres 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Reference Cults and Religions of the Nordlings 90 oren(s) 18 oren(s)
Bestiary Curses and the Cursed 500 oren(s) 100 oren(s)
Bestiary A Description of the Vodyanoi or the Fishpeople 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
Reference Diary of a Dice Collector 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Bestiary The Disease of Civilization 350 oren(s) 70 oren(s)
Bestiary Disenchanting a Striga 120 oren(s) 24 oren(s)
Reference The Double Cross of Alzur 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Herbarium The Druid's Herbarium 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
Reference Elder Blood 80 oren(s) 16 oren(s)
Bestiary Experiment Notes 1000 oren(s) 200 oren(s)
Reference Fairytales and Stories 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Herbarium Feainnewedd 300 oren(s) 60 oren(s)
Herbarium Field Plants 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Reference The Flower and the Flame 70 oren(s) 14 oren(s)
Reference Foreign Lands 60 oren(s) 12 oren(s)
Reference Forensic Medicine 150 oren(s) 30 oren(s)
Bestiary The Frightener 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Herbarium The Great Book of Minerals 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
Bestiary Greater Brothers 1000 oren(s) 200 oren(s)
Reference A Guide to Vizima 60 oren(s) 12 oren(s)
Reference The History of the World 40 oren(s) 8 oren(s)
Reference Hymns of Madness and Despair 100 oren(s) 20 oren(s)
Reference An Invitation to Magic 70 oren(s) 14 oren(s)
Reference Ithlinne's Prophecy 60 oren(s) 12 oren(s)
Reference The Kingdom of Temeria 80 oren(s) 16 oren(s)
Reference Lara's Gift 70 oren(s) 14 oren(s)
Bestiary The Last Wish 800 oren(s) 160 oren(s)
Reference Monstrum, or a Portrayal of Witchers 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Bestiary Ornithosaurs 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
Bestiary Physiologus 1000 oren(s) 200 oren(s)
Herbarium Plants of Barren Lands 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
Reference Recent History 40 oren(s) 8 oren(s)
Herbarium Ritual Plants 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
Reference The Rivian Pogrom 50 oren(s) 10 oren(s)
Bestiary The Road of No Return 150 oren(s) 30 oren(s)
Reference Shadow People, or the story of His Majesty's Secret Service n /a n /a
Herbarium A Small Book of Minerals 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
Reference Sorceresses and Sorcerers 60 oren(s) 12 oren(s)
Bestiary Specters, Wraiths, and the Damned 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
Reference The Story of Lara Dorren and Cragen of Lod 60 oren(s) 12 oren(s)
Herbarium Subterranean Plants 300 oren(s) 60 oren(s)
Bestiary Swamp Monsters 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Herbarium Swamp Plants 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
Bestiary The Tome of Fear and Loathing, volume I 250 oren(s) 50 oren(s)
Bestiary The Tome of Fear and Loathing, volume II 500 oren(s) 100 oren(s)
Reference Transmutations and Metamorphoses 80 oren(s) 16 oren(s)
Bestiary Vampires: Facts and Myths 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
Bestiary The Wonderful World of Insectoids 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
Reference Zerrikanian Insects and Other Vermin 110 oren(s) 22 oren(s)
Quest item Ain Soph Aur 300 oren(s) n /a
Quest item The Secret Gates 100 oren(s) n /a

Books in the premium modules[]

Εικόνα Τίτλος Module Αγορά Πωλώ
Reference The Curse of the Black Sun The Price of Neutrality 70 oren(s) 14 oren(s)
Bestiary The Book of Alghouls Παρενέργειες 250 oren(s) 50 oren(s)
Bestiary The Book of Drowned Dead Παρενέργειες 250 oren(s) 50 oren(s)
Bestiary The Book of Fleders Παρενέργειες 250 oren(s) 50 oren(s)
Bestiary The Book of Wraiths Παρενέργειες 250 oren(s) 50 oren(s)
Herbarium Bryonia Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Herbarium Celandine Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Herbarium Fool's Parsley Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Herbarium Green Mold Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Herbarium The Hellebore Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
Herbarium The Sewant Mushroom Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)


Εικόνα Τίτλος Αγορά Πωλώ
scroll Dagon Sap 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
scroll Formula for De Vries' Extract 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
scroll Dragon's Dream 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
scroll Frightener's Vision 100 oren(s) 20 oren(s)
scroll The Book of the Golden Oriole 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
scroll Golem's Pith 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
scroll Formula for Hanged Man's Venom 300 oren(s) 60 oren(s)
scroll Hellhound's Soul 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
scroll Kikimore's Ire 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
scroll The Book of the Kiss 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
scroll Koshchey's Core 800 oren(s) 160 oren(s)
scroll Formula for Maribor Forest 300 oren(s) 60 oren(s)
scroll Petri's Philter formula 100 oren(s) 20 oren(s)
scroll Samum 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
scroll Secrets of the Southern Masters 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
scroll Striga's Urge 800 oren(s) 160 oren(s)
scroll The Book of the Swallow 100 oren(s) 20 oren(s)
scroll The Book of the Tawny Owl 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
scroll The Book of the Full Moon 800 oren(s) 160 oren(s)
scroll Werewolf's Wrath 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
scroll Formula for White Raffard's Decoction 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
scroll The Book of the Wolverine 600 oren(s) 120 oren(s)
scroll Zerrikanian Alchemy 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
scroll Zeugl's Vigor 1000 oren(s) 200 oren(s)

Scrolls in the premium modules[]

Εικόνα Τίτλος Module Αγορά Πωλώ
scroll Argentia Formula Παρενέργειες 400 oren(s) 80 oren(s)
scroll Crinfrid Oil Formula Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 40 oren(s)
scroll Perfume Formula Παρενέργειες 200 oren(s) 50 oren(s)
scroll Vampire Oil Formula Παρενέργειες 800 oren(s) 160 oren(s)