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Declan Leuvaarden, merchant

Declan Leuvaarden is a rich merchant from Nilfgaard, whom Γκέραλτ met at an inn in the Outskirts. Leuvaarden seems a resourceful and wealthy man with extensive contacts. He lives in the Trade Quarter of Vizima. In Chapter II during the day, he can be found on the dike, from where he runs his business. In Chapter III, his base of operations moves to the banquet facilities, upstairs at The New Narakort in the Trade Quarter.

Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow.

He buys and sells:

He has apparently known Triss Merigold for some time and is very well connected in Viziman society. He is on close speaking terms with the burgomeister, Velerad, the chief of Temerian secret intelligence, Thaler, and the Princess hersΞωτικό, Adda.

Συναφείς αποστολές[]

Declan is a major game character and plays a part in several quests.

καταχώρηση στο ημερολόγιο[]

I met Declan Leuvaarden, a rich merchant from Nilfgaard, at an inn in the Outskirts. Leuvaarden seems a resourceful and wealthy man with extensive contacts. He lives in the Trade Quarter of Vizima. During the day he can be found on the Dike, from where he runs his business.
Although Leuvaarden seemed to be working with Salamandra, he turned out to be innocent. But I still sense the Nilfgaardian has something to hide.
It seems Leuvaarden belongs to a secret organization. He refused to reveal any details.
Leuvaarden represents a secret organization euphemistically referred to as the Merchants' Guild. They wish to destroy Salamandra, because the bandits have become too powerful and threaten the Guild's interests. This is why Leuvaarden has aligned himself with Triss Merigold, who represents the sorceresses. I joined them to create a triumvirate, though I only represent mysΞωτικό.
Not all his businesses are legal. He prefers to keep some of his deals very quiet.
The city guards are used to receiving bribes from Leuvaarden, who clearly is not the city's most law-abiding resident.
In the world of big finance, Declan Leuvaarden is in his element. He does business via banks and other middlemen, which makes tracing his transfers a very difficult task.


  • Declan might be related to Berengar Leuvaarden.


Significant plot details end here.