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Witcher Wiki
Vivaldi's letter
Quest Items Vivaldis letter
Letter written by the dwarf Vivaldi to Yaevinn the elf.
αντικείμενο της αποστολής
Golan Vivaldi

Vivaldi's letter is a quest item. It is given to Γκέραλτ by Golan Vivaldi in response to Yaevinn's letter which the witcher had delivered to the dwarf earlier.

Content[ | ]

Dear Yaevinn!
I will graciously overlook the tone of your letter. Your query was simple, and thus my answer will be. I believe your enterprise to be adolescent and harmful both to elves and dwarves. To use the language of financiers, I cannot extend credit towards its pursuit. To use your boys' language: I have naught and shall give not, and what is more I would not give even if I had any.

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