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Punto di viaggio rapido

Dalla mappa[]

Una volta, al vigneto di Belgaard ebbe luogo un avvelenamento che costò la vita a una banda di criminali che saccheggiavano la zona. All'inizio il piano degli abitanti era quello di ammassare i corpi e bruciarli, ma un'anima pia decise che persino i banditi meritano di meglio, e così pagò di tasca sua perché fossero sepolti nel piccolo cimitero di Mère-Lachaiselongue. In seguito, qui morì da eroe Sir Ramon di Gichon, mentre cercava di ripulire il camposanto dai wraith dei criminali.

Missioni associate[]

  • Una gabbia di matti


Nella cripta:


Un gran numero delle persone qui sepolte, compresi i loro epitaffi, sono easter egg. La maggior parte sono riferimenti a membri dello staff di CD Projekt RED che hanno partecipato allo sviluppo di The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (qui indicati come Persona reale includendo il loro ruolo). Vi sono, tuttavia, anche riferimenti ad altri media.

  • Anabella and Gwidon de la Tourre
    Art Patrons
    Killed by a poison apple
The poison apple is probably referring to the fairy tale of Biancaneve.
  • Andrew Sto'ppa
    Ducal intermediary
    Lover of Nilfgaardian spice biscuits
Persona reale: Andrzej Stopa
Ruolo: Cinematic Designer
  • Antoine de Faint-Exuperly
    Known as the Big Prince
This inscription is a reference to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944), who wrote "Il piccolo principe".
  • Arkadius Borovvik
    Lived to a ripe old age
    In fact, he lived so long, he died of boredom
Persona reale: Arkadiusz Borowik
Ruolo: Writer, Story Designer
Notes: This inscription can be found on a sarcophagus in the main crypt. Located on cimitero di Orlémurs is another tombstone referring to him by the name of "Arcadius Borovique".
  • Margaret Stzepcovska
    Died from an overextension of the mandibles, thinking she was a cow
  • Bartolomeo C'eslycky
    Could make even a dead fish laugh
  • Bartolomeo Novak
    Brought smiles to people's faces
Persona reale: Bartosz Nowak
Ruolo: Cinematic Designer
  • Lucca Horr'zelsky
    A "hockeyist."
    Skated upon lakes, stopping others from knocking coal into special nets. Froze to death.
Persona reale: Łukasz Horzelski
Ruolo: Technical Artist
  • Caroleena Staheera
    "What's the pleasure in slaughtering a weakling? If you wish to draw blood, draw it from a king."
Persona reale: Karolina Stachyra
Ruolo: Writer, Story Designer, Red Witches Choir
  • Caroline Nyev'eglovska
    Believed it was possible to reach a satisfying agreement with anyone. Died while negotiating with a charging fiend.
Persona reale: Karolina Niewęgłowska
Ruolo: Customer Support Coordination, Additional Translation, Red Witches Choir, Technical Support Lead
  • Charles Pyz'yack
    Felt 60% was not enough, so he gave 61%. Behold the result.
Persona reale: Karol Pyziak
Ruolo: Customer Service Representative, Technical Support Specialist
  • Cinnga Krez'el
    Artist and Alchemist
    Could kill foes with a single gaze and stop time. Dreamed of traveling to other worlds
  • Conrrad Tomashckievich
    Made up stories and bossed people around, when all he ever really wanted in life was to fly
Persona reale: Konrad Tomaszkiewicz
Ruolo: Game Director
  • Dominique Gonsierovsky
    Loved accounting tables. That was the death of her.
Persona reale: Dominika Gonsierowska
Ruolo: Senior Quest and Story Producer
Notes: Located on cimitero di Orlémurs is another tombstone referring to her by the name of "Dominique Gonché".
  • Gaspar "Daffi" Shymchak
    Ladies' Man
    Enjoyed walking the streets of Beauclair at night, belting out Nilfgaardian ballads
    His diction put the most distinguished actors to shame
Persona reale: Kacper Szymczak
Ruolo: Cinematic Designer
  • Gerome la Marten
    Equerry to the duquessa
  • Count Bartollo var Ochmann
    "The night before keeps knocking, my head weeps from its constant stalking."
Persona reale: Bartosz Ochman
Ruolo: Writer, QA Content Manager, Living World Lead Designer
  • Gregor Sadinsky
    Athlete extraordinaire
    Liked to carry great weights, but got a little carried away
Persona reale: Grzegorz Sadziński
Ruolo: Quest Designer
  • Her lies Ola, mother of Plegmund, taken from us too soon
    Protect us, o Lebioda, from the torment of preprodcution!
"Her" should actually be "here". It's a spelling mistake and has no deeper meaning.
  • Igor von Sar'zynsky
    Every inch an artist
Persona reale: Igor Sarzyński
Ruolo: Cinematic Designer
  • Jacob de Chamois
    b. 1186
    Neither drank nor smoke, yet still up and died.
    Good riddance. May the Prophet Lebioda give him a noogie in the afterlife.
Persona reale: Jakub Szamałek
Ruolo: Writer, Story Designer
  • Jacob Voznyackovsky
    Might not have been the smartest, might not have been the fairest, but he always gave a solid 60%
Persona reale: Jakub Woźniakowski
Ruolo: Customer Service Representative, Technical Support Specialist
  • Jymm Morrisonn
    Conjuror. Half man, half lizard
This inscription is a reference to Jim Morrison, lead singer of rock band The Doors, whose grave is located on the cimitero di Père Lachaise in Paris.
  • Katarine Vladyka
    The loveliest redheaded creature to ever walk upon Beauclair's soil
Persona reale: Katarzyna Władyka
Ruolo: Game QA Coordinator
  • Kaytoni Kapustinsky
    Knew how to brighten up even the cloudiest day
    Be Prepared!
Persona reale: Kajetan Kapuściński
Ruolo: Cinematic Design Team Coordinator
  • Kristof Lippka
    Virtuoso in every key
Persona reale: Krzysztof Lipka
Ruolo: Sound Design Team Coordinator
  • Kritt the Petit
    Famed host of afternoon salons, where games, bottled cheese and trampolining were the order of the day
In the Polish version of the game, this inscription says "Martin i Caroline Boord'zy-Skin". Reasons for the change in the English version are unknown.
  • Lenna de Manillani Grazia
    Princess from a far-off land who could force light to bend to her will
Persona reale: Len de Gracia
Ruolo: Environment Artist, Decoration Art Coordinator
  • Lucas Babb'yel
    Honorary blood donor. Gave five liters to a vampire, then perished.
Persona reale: Łukasz Babiel
Ruolo: Gameplay und Content QA Coordinator
  • Lucas Slyvva
    Mistook Belhaven for Roggeven
    Warped time and space
Persona reale: Łukasz Śliwa
Ruolo: Cinematic Designer
  • Lukas Schepankovsky
    Died on his own blade while trying to show his knightly brethren his expert swordsmanship
Persona reale: Łukasz Szczepankowski
Ruolo: Game Designer
  • Magdallena Zy'yh
    Stabbed to death by a jealous lover
Persona reale: Magdalena Zych
Ruolo: Writer in Blood and Wine
Notes: Located on cimitero di Orlémurs is another tombstone referring to her by the name of "Madeleine Ziche".
  • Martin Blah'ha
    "Told you I was sick."
Persona reale: Marcin Blacha
Ruolo: Lead Writer, Story Director
  • Martin Mihalsky
    Mage and artist
    Could move mountains
Persona reale: Marcin Michalski
Ruolo: Environment Artist
  • Martin Pshybylovi'ch
    In truth it was he who composed "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
Persona reale: Marcin Przybyłowicz
Ruolo: Composer, Music Director
Notes: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" is a lullaby for children and replaces the Polish "Wlazł kotek na płotek", a popular children's song.
  • Martin Yanishevski
    Master Armorer
    Forger of the best plate this side of the Yaruga
Persona reale: Marcin Janiszewski
Ruolo: Game Designer
  • Martina Lippins'ka
    Engineer and pug lover
    Solved the most obtuse technical problems in all the duchy with the grace of a ballerina
Persona reale: Martyna Lipińska
Ruolo: Engine QA, Tech QA
  • Matiey Pyetrass
    A sculptor of time and space
Persona reale: Maciej Pietras
Ruolo: Cinematic Artist, Cinematic Art Team Coordinator
  • Mayo Mayevksy
    Known as the "Gamer's Gamer"
    Told things like they were before it was popular. That's what killed him.
Persona reale: Marcin Majewski
Ruolo: Gameplay QA, Tech and Review QA
  • Michael Novakovsky
    Art patron
    Stuck his big nose in everywhere
Persona reale: Michał Nowakowski
Ruolo: SVP (Senior Vice President) of Business Development
  • Monique Glyn'necka
    One-legged dancer
    Rumored to have been a succubus. Yet who's ever seen a succubus with only one hoof?
Persona reale: Monika Gliniecka
Ruolo: Game QA, Tech QA
  • Natalie Mrooz
    Duches Ademarta's court sorceress
    Granted the wishes of the common folk
Persona reale: Natalia Mróz
Ruolo: Administrative Specialist
  • Pablo O'Hotzky
    "Do not be sad because of people. They will all die."
Persona reale: Paweł Ochocki
Ruolo: Cinematic Designer
  • Pablo Vilcoss
    Tilled the fields of Beauclair
    Died to the sound of music
    Spoke enthusiastic if ungrammatical Nilfgaardian
Persona reale: Paweł Wilkos
Ruolo: Producer, Post Production Producer
  • Paulla "Tekla" Lukievska
    Alchemist and painter
    Discovered a new species of hedgehog,
    Paulis Teklis
Persona reale: Paulina Łukiewska
Ruolo: Red Witches Choir, Graphic Designer
  • Pavel "Banana" Panasyuk
    Creator of pumpkinball – a game popular in Angren, in which teams strive to toss pumpkins into baskets
Persona reale: Paweł Panasiuk
Ruolo: Event Manager
  • Pavel Sasco
    A man of small stature and enormous spirit
    Was a hearty and fiery dancer. Sadly, he forgot to eat – and perished.
Persona reale: Paweł Sasko
Ruolo: Lead Quest Designer
  • Pavel Svierchynsky
    Loved to come and go
    Was killed by the children he abandoned
Persona reale: Paweł Świerczyński
Ruolo: Cinematics Director
  • Peter Kryss'yk
    Was able to raise the dead
Persona reale: Piotr Krysik
Ruolo: Cinematic Artist
  • Pierre Montcresson-Melleroy II
    Bard, cook, ping-pong player
  • Primislav Staheera
    So strenuously did he the hill descend, his nap thereafter did never end
  • Primislavus Voojc'yk
    Heroic hunter of insects and pests
    Spent his whole life exterminating bugs, now he lies in the earth among them
Persona reale: Przemysław Wójcik
Ruolo: Game QA Lead
  • Rafael Yaky
    A man who would never stoop, not even for peashont groshy
Persona reale: Rafał Jaki
Ruolo: Gwent Design, Business Development Manager
  • Roberto and Yustinna Malynosky
    They loved each other to death
Persona reale: Robert Malinowski
Ruolo: PR and Communication Specialist
  • Sar'rah Gruemm'er
    Left home and died
Persona reale: Sarah Grümmer
Ruolo: Quest Designer, Living World Designer
  • Sebastien Callemby
    Leader of a hanse noted for its graceful movements
    "Pain is fleeting, glory is forever"
Persona reale: Sebastian Kalemba
Ruolo: Lead Animator
  • Séverin Ervauville
    "All I need's a sliver, and I can make you a better table than you've ever dreamed of!"
  • Stanilavus Yust
    Produced a great deal and died of overproduction
Persona reale: Stan Just
Ruolo: Cinematics and Audio Producer
Notes: It should actually be "Stanislavus". Another spelling mistake.
  • Steeve "Steffy" Kny'bihlie
    He was supposed to be a killer, but became an artist
Persona reale: Steeve Knybihly
Ruolo: Cinematics Director
  • Susanna Cherr'nakovska
    The first Ducal Wine Taster
    Lived to a ripe old age, sipping the best of Beauclair's beverages all the while
Persona reale: Zuzanna Czerniakowska
Ruolo: QA Technician, Living World QA
  • Tomash Marhevkin
    Died fighting with word and blade
Persona reale: Tomasz Marchewka
Ruolo: Writer
Notes: Located on cimitero di Orlémurs is another tombstone referring to her by the name of "Thomas Carotte".
  • Urshulla Chapnic
    Relentless in her pursuit of perfection
Persona reale: Urszula Czapnik
Ruolo: Game QA


  • Nelle versioni francese e polacca del gioco il cimitero è chiamato "Mère-Lachaise", in riferimento a Père-Lachaise, il più grande cimitero di Parigi. "Père" è francese per "padre", mentre "mère" significa "madre". "Lachaise" deriva dal cognome di Padre François de la Chaise, sacerdote gesuita e confessore di re Luigi XIV.

