Witcher Wiki
"A Mysterious Tower"
Painting Mages Tower aerial
2 – 3
Temple Quarter
1000 oren(s) + 3500 XP
Clay Pits
Vizima Confidential

Primary quest

A Mysterious Tower is one of the most important quests in Chapter II. It is given to Geralt by Kalkstein, the alchemist.


There is an abandoned tower decaying in the middle of the swamp which seems to hold many secrets. It is of particular fascination to Kalkstein, who is willing to pay anyone 1000 oren(s) to get inside it. But getting inside is not an easy feat, one must gather ten sephirot and place each of the ten in its corresponding monolith in the swamp.

The Sephirot

Maal'kad Maal'kad Found on the cockatrice you have to kill at the beginning of Chapter II.
Chocc'mah Chocc'mah Received from Kalkstein, when the Monoliths quest is given.
Ghe'vrath Ghe'vrath Received from the Altar of Melitele in exchange for a sacrifice.
Quest Items Sephirot Oth 'Oth Received from the Altar of Melitele in exchange for a sacrifice.
Veen'ah Veen'ah Received from the Altar of Melitele in exchange for a sacrifice.
Quest Items Sephirot Tipperath Tipperath Declan Leuvaarden at the Dike sells this Sephirah for 500 oren(s).
Kezath Kezath Received from Vaska in the swamp for clearing the clay pits of drowners.
Quest Items Sephirot Yesath Y'esath Found in the cave in the swamp, in the Vran's sarcophagus.
Neh'tza Neh'tza Acquired in the swamp, from the remains of the golem that you have resurrected and defeated.
Keth'aar Keth'aar Received from Detective Raymond Maarloeve at the tower, when the Vizima confidential quest is finished and you are ready to enter the tower.
one of the monoliths


  • You only need to make one sacrifice at the Altar of Melitele to get the three sephirots offered.
  • Inside the Mage's tower, Geralt will find a circle of elements where he can learn the Axii sign, and a chest containing a bunch of items.
  • There is also a copy of Ain Soph Aur in Gramps' hut in the swamp.
  • Moving the books too quickly may cause them to become bugged in Geralt's inventory, invisible and inaccessible to the player, thereby halting the quest.
  • This quest is not fully complete until Chapter III, when Geralt goes back to speak with Kalkstein.
  • Possible outcome of quest: Despite the reward of 1000 oren(s), the player gets a profit of either 500 oren(s) or nothing whatsoever! The player must spend 500 oren(s) to get one of the sephirot and spend another 500 oren(s) (optionally) to have a storm summoned by the druid. Counting other costs related to quest, there is even a net financial loss due to the quest.
  • If you have already collected a few sephirot, feel free to drop them off at the appropriate obelisk, while exploring the swamp. Saves you some running around later, plus the activated energy beams make orientation a bit easier.


The Books[]

I promised Kalkstein that I would get more information about the mage's tower in the swamp. Two books are of particular importance: "Ain Soph Aur" and "The Secret Gates". Very old publications as they are, they might be difficult to find. The dwarf had "The Secret Gates" and I'll have to look for the other one among some old people interested in history. I have to find two books for Kalkstein.

Note: 500 XP can be had by talking to the locals about the tower.


The dwarven antiquarian hinted at where I might find the books I need. Golan Vivaldi owns "The Secret Gates" and he might also have a copy of "Ain Soph Aur". I should see Vivaldi about the books I need.

If Geralt did not sell the weapons:

Vivaldi Arrested[]

I witnessed the arrest of Golan Vivaldi. It is too bad — I hoped he would help me find one of the books for Kalkstein — after all, he is a dwarf. Perhaps I should come up with a way of breaking him out of prison. Perhaps I should devise a plan of breaking the dwarf from prison.

Vivaldi's Release[]

I managed to release Vivaldi from prison. Now I can visit him and ask about the book for Kalkstein. Now I can visit Vivaldi at his house and ask about the book for Kalkstein.

If Geralt sold the weapons: there is no actual phase entry in this case, Geralt can simply find Vivaldi at his home if he chooses

The Secret Gates[]

I got hold of "The Secret Gates", I need to study the book thoroughly. I should read the "Secret Gates" carefully.

The Tower History[]

I got acquainted with the history of the tower in the swamp. That knowledge, combined with information taken from "Ain Soph Aur", should satisfy Kalkstein. I collected more information for Kalkstein.

Ain Soph Aur[]

I got hold of "Ain Soph Aur", I need to study the book thoroughly. I should read the "Ain Soph Aur" carefully.

The Sephirot History[]

I read the Sephirot history. This information, supplemented with "The Secret Gates" should satisfy Kalkstein's expectations. I collected more information for Kalkstein.

Information for Kalkstein[]

I retrieved the books Kalkstein asked me for. Sharing new information with him can pay off. Sharing new information with Kalkstein can pay off.


I presented Kalkstein with the results of my quest and got one Sephirah. Now, following the clues from the books I need to find the nine remaining Sephirot and place them on the right obelisks in the swamp. I need to find the nine remaining Sephirot and place them on the corresponding obelisks in the swamp.

Note: Not all of these phases will appear. Which ones do is dependent on when Geralt receives the "three sephirot drop" from the statue of Melitele. You will only "see" six of these, do not worry about it:

The Sephirot[]

Kalkstein's notes helped me find another Sephirah. I've gathered two Sephirot. Eight more to go.

The Sephirot[]

Kalkstein's notes led me to yet another Sephirah. I have three Sephirot. I need to find seven more.

The Sephirot[]

Kalkstein's notes are invaluable. I found another Sephirah. I've gathered four Sephirot. I need to find six more.

The Sephirot[]

I have another Sephirah — thanks to Kalkstein's notes again. I have five Sephirot. I'm half way there.

The Sephirot[]

I have another Sephirah. I'll have to thank Kalkstein for his notes. I've found six Sephirot. Just four more to go.

The Sephirot[]

I'm getting closer. Using Kalkstein's notes, I found another Sephirah. I now have seven Sephirot and need just three more.

The Sephirot[]

Kalkstein did me a real favor with those notes. I have another Sephirah. I've found eight Sephirot and need to find just two more.

The Sephirot[]

Kalkstein's notes led me to yet another Sephirah. I just need one last Sephirah.


I received the last Sephirah from the detective. I must place the Sephirot on the monoliths and enter the tower.

The Sephirot are in Place[]

I placed all the Sephirot on the obelisks and the tower is open. I need to inform Kalkstein and collect my reward. I can now enter the tower. (10 × 100 XP)

Opening the Tower[]

I did what Kalkstein asked, placing all the Sephirot on the obelisks and opening the tower. Kalkstein paid me my reward as agreed. I completed that task. The mage's tower is open. (1000 oren(s) + 2000 XP)
