Witcher Wiki

Aeschna as depicted in Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni

The aeschna is described by Geralt as "a bumpy and rough-skinned monster four yards in length resembling a stump overgrown with algae and with ten paws and jaws like cut-saws". The "liquid manure" which forms much of the delta now, suits the aeschna.

I looked for the words "Witcher urgently needed". And then there'd be a sacred site, a dungeon, necropolis or ruins, forest ravine or grotto hidden in the mountains, full of bones and stinking carcasses. Some creatures which lived to kill, out of hunger, for pleasure, or invoked by some sick will. A manticore, wyvern, fogler, aeschna, ilyocoris, chimera, leshy, vampire, ghoul, graveir, were-wolf, giant scorpion, striga, black annis, kikimora, vypper... so many I've killed.
— pg(s). 116, "The Voice of Reason 4", in the collection The Last Wish (UK edition)
— pg(s). 148, "The Voice of Reason 4", in the collection The Last Wish (US edition)

In Blood of Elves, it is reportedly the sort of thing which has been preying on transports on the delta. The Malatius and Grock Company commission Geralt to travel on the transports to ensure that they makes it across, should such a beast attack. And of course, one finally does. After the beast is beaten back and Geralt is safe, Linus Pitt exclaims that Geralt has done him a huge favour by revealing the existence of the beast and that it will henceforth be known as "Geraltia maxiliosa pitti". However, Geralt requests otherwise, to call it "Everetia maxiliosa pitti" instead, after Everett who was almost devoured by the monster.

In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

This creature bears resemblance to the kayran of Chapter I in the second installment of the game trilogy.


  • Aeschna is the name of a genus of dragonflies, the "Aeschnidae", in the real world.