Witcher Wiki
An Skellig
TW3 An Skellig
Map of the island in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt'
Skellige archipelago, north between Ard Skellig and Spikeroog


An Skellig is one of the larger of the islands in the Skellige archipelago. It lies to the north between Ard Skellig and Spikeroog. The island is held by Clan Tuirseach.

An Skellig is a weary travelers paradise. Those seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life need look no further. Those yearning for peace, quiet and transcendental views - the kind that leave one short of breath and renewed in spirit - will find satiation on this isle. Here one may enjoy long walks along the most charming beaches in the isles, ones whose beauty far outshines that of the decidedly overrated coasts of Kovir.

Yet the true jewel of An Skellig is its port, which is famed for its skilled craftsmen, considered by many to be the best in the isles. An Skellig's shipbuilders have passed down the secrets of their trade from generation to generation for centuries, perfecting it into something which can proudly and with no exaggeration be called an art. Naturally, as a result one must wait twice as long for a vessel ordered from the local shipwrights than when ordering from lesser workmen.

Lastly, it would be a crime to discuss An Skellig without mentioning the superb (and surprisingly sophisticated!) local cuisine. Its specialty: sturgeon roasted to golden perfection in a sea-salt crust and served with carrot shavings and a sprinkling of mint. Sadly, this dish, once a mainstay of every tavern and seaside fish-fry, now has become a rarity due to the overfishing that caused a dramatic decline in the population of that most delicious of fish.


