Witcher Wiki
Geralt model 4
4 – 5
Swamp Cemetery
Berengar, Zoltan, Triss or Rayla
Tier 3 Armor + 10000 XP
A Gnomish Device
Saint Gregory's Litany
A Magic Formula
Her Highness the Striga

Primary quest

The Armor quest, which begins in Chapter IV, but also takes up most of Chapter V, is initiated when Geralt finds Berengar at the Lakeside crypt. The errant witcher tells our hero about a legendary suit of armor that once belonged to an equally legendary witcher named "Raven". Rumour has it, he was buried with his armor.


Raven's armor of the Elves Raven's armor by the Order Raven's armor by Kalkstein

There are actually three variations on Raven's armor and depending on the path Geralt has chosen, the components of the armor vary slightly. All three flavours require these first three basic components:

Piece of armor A fragment of Count Kobus de Ruyter's armor aka "Piece of armor", it is found in the crypt by the lakeside when you first meet Berengar. It can also be found in Raven's Crypt.
Notes of an elven minstrel The notes of an elven minstrel, found in a sarcophagus in the Striga's crypt on the island in the swamp cemetery.
Remains of Raven's armor The remains of Raven's Armor, in Raven's sarcophagus in Raven's crypt.

Scoia'tael path Raven's armor of the Elves additionally requires:

Bifunctional fibre and alloy recirculator A bifunctional fiber and alloy recirculator, in a dwarven trunk, in the ancient crypt beneath the old mine in the swamp cemetery.

Order path Raven's armor of the Order additionally requires:

Saint Gregory's litany Saint Gregory's litany, in a sarcophagus in the ancient crypt connected to the striga's crypt.

Witcher/neutral path Raven's armor, as made by Kalkstein, requires:

Magic formula A magic formula. It is found in Agnes of Glanville's trunk in her lair.


  • Despite being marked as a 'Primary quest', it is not necessary to complete this quest in order to finish the game, though why would you not? Geralt looks so nice in his spiffy new armor.
  • Geralt can learn about Raven's armor from either Berengar, Zoltan, Triss or Rayla.
  • Extra XP: There are additional 1000 XP added while Geralt searches for and finds the components he needs to have the armor reforged.
  • If you do not collect your armor in Chapter V before you meet your ally by the boat at the Old Manor pier (which leads to the Epilogue), the Armor Quest is removed from the quest list and cannot be completed.


Raven's Armor[]

I'm intrigued by the story of the armor worn by the witcher named Raven. Berengar claims that it's in Raven's tomb, but no one knows where the witcher was buried. Berengar suggested I talk to the blacksmith and the elven craftsman. They know the legend, too. Berengar suggested that I talk to both the blacksmith and the elven craftsman about Raven's armor.

The De Ruyter Dynasty[]

They say the counts of the De Ruyter dynasty had suits of armor fashioned by gnome craftsmen. If I can find the tomb of one of the counts, I might be able to find a piece of their armor. I need to find a piece of gnome-fashioned armor.

Pieces of Armor[]

I found a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor. I still need what remains of Raven's armor and the notes of an elven minstrel. I need to find the notes of an elven minstrel and what remains of Raven's armor.

Notes of the Elven Minstrel[]

To fashion a truly magnificent suit of armor, I need the notes of an elven minstrel. I should be able to find these in the minstrel's tomb or in the tomb of one of his disciples. I need to find the notes of an elven minstrel. I should search the crypts.

The Dwarven Blacksmith or The Armorer or Kalkstein[]

Items Squirrel tail Zoltan told me of a dwarven blacksmith who is supposedly hiding in Old Vizima. According to the dwarf, the blacksmith can reforge Raven's armor for me. Zoltan directed me to a dwarven blacksmith who is said to be hiding in Old Vizima. or
Logo Order of the Flaming Rose Rayla recommended a Viziman armorer who can reforge Raven's armor for me. Rayla claims I should see an armorer who lives in Vizima. or
Witcher medallion Kalkstein the alchemist is said to be in Old Vizima. According to Triss, he knows a lot about metallurgy and can reforge Raven's armor for me. I must see Kalkstein the alchemist, who is said to be in Old Vizima.

A Mission from a Dwarf or A Mission from an Armorer or A Mission from Kalkstein[]

Items Squirrel tail I must bring the dwarf blacksmith all he needs to forge my suit of armor. I should look for the elements in the crypts in the swamp cemetery. I'll find all the components for my armor in the crypts in the swamp cemetery. or
Logo Order of the Flaming Rose I must bring the armorer all he needs to forge my suit of armor. I should look for the elements in the swamp cemetery. I'll find the components for my armor in the crypts in the swamp cemetery. or
Witcher medallion I must bring Kalkstein all he needs to forge my suit of armor. I should look for the elements in the crypts in the swamp cemetery. I should look for all the components for my armor in the crypts in the swamp cemetery.

A Piece of Armor or Raven's Armor or Notes of an Elven Minstrel[]

Find piece of armor first: I found a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor. I still need what remains of Raven's armor and the notes of an elven minstrel. I need to find the notes of an elven minstrel and the remaining pieces of Raven's armor. (1000 XP) or
Find remains of Raven's armor first: I've found what remains of Raven's armor. I still need the notes of an elven minstrel and a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor. I still need the notes of an elven minstrel and a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor. (1000 XP) or
Find the notes first: I now have the notes of an elven minstrel. I still need to find what remains of Raven's armor and a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor. I still need pieces of both Raven's and Graf Ruyter's armor. (1000 XP)

Plate Armor or Raven's Armor and Notes or Notes and Armor[]

Find piece of armor second: I found a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor and what remains of Raven's armor. I still need the notes of an elven minstrel. I need to find the notes of an elven minstrel. (1000 XP)
Find remains of Raven's armor second: I've found what remains of Raven's armor and the notes of an elven minstrel. I still need to find a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor. I still need a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor. (1000 XP)
Find the notes second: I now have a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor and the notes of an elven minstrel. I still need to find what remains of Raven's armor. I still need pieces of Raven's armor. (1000 XP)

The Final Element[]

Items Squirrel tail I've found the remains of Raven's armor, a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor, and the notes of the elven minstrel. Now I need the final element required to forge the suit of armor. All I need now is the bifunctional fiber and alloy recirculator. (1000 XP) or
Logo Order of the Flaming Rose I've found the remains of Raven's armor, a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor, and the notes of the elven minstrel. Now I need the final element required to forge the suit of armor. All I need now is Saint Gregory's Litany. (1000 XP) or
Witcher medallion I've found the remains of Raven's armor, a piece of Graf Ruyter's armor, and the notes of the elven minstrel. Now I need the final element required to forge the suit of armor. All I need now is Agnes de Glanville’s magic formula. (1000 XP)

All the Pieces[]

Items Squirrel tail I have all the elements needed to craft the armor. I should see the dwarf blacksmith. He can reforge them into a new suit. I should see the dwarf blacksmith and have him forge my suit of armor. (1000 XP) or
Logo Order of the Flaming Rose I have all the elements needed to craft the armor. I should see the armorer who can reforge them into a new suit. I should see the armorer and have him forge my suit of armor. (1000 XP) or
Witcher medallion I have all the elements needed to craft the armor. I should take them to Kalkstein and have him reforge them into a new suit. I should see Kalkstein and have him forge my new suit of armor. (1000 XP)

Reforging the Armor[]

Items Squirrel tail I gave all the elements to the blacksmith. I should see him later to pick up my suit of armor. I should come back later to pick up my armor. or
Logo Order of the Flaming Rose I gave all the elements to the armorer. I should see him later to pick up my suit of armor. I should come back later to pick up my armor. or
Witcher medallion I gave Kalkstein all the elements. I should see him later to pick up my suit of armor. I should come back later to pick up my armor.

A New Suit of Armor[]

Finally, I have a magnificent new suit of armor. I have my new armor — at last. (5000 XP)

