Blinding is a critical effect with the following characteristics:
- Active dodging of opponent attacks blocked.
- Special manoeuvres disabled.
- Attack efficiency reduced — reduced hit, parry and dodge efficiency.
- Chance of dodging and parrying opponent attacks reduced.
- Susceptibility to Knockdown critical effect increased.
Blinding boosters[ | ]
Opponents who use blinding[ | ]
Opponents with immunity[ | ]
- Archespores
- Drowned dead
- Drowners
- Echinopsae
- Frighteners
- Giant centipedes
- Golems
- Hellhounds
- Ifrits
- Kikimore queens
- Kikimore warriors
- Kikimore workers
- Nightwraiths
- Noonwraiths
- Wraiths
Opponents with resistance[ | ]
Opponents with susceptibility[ | ]
- Dagon worshippers
- Strigas
- Zeugls (presumably)
Weapons which cause blinding[ | ]
- Aerondight
- Any rune sword containing a sun rune.
- Zerrikanian Sun