Witcher Wiki

This page is a finding aid which lists all quests in the Blood and Wine expansion in a sortable table format. To see a quest walkthrough, click on the quest name. For quests from the main game, see The Witcher 3 quests.

Main quests  •  Secondary quests  •  Contracts  •  Treasure hunts


Quest Location(s) Region(s) Source Suggested level Related quests
Be It Ever So Humble… Corvo Bianco Toussaint 49 Pomp and Strange Circumstance
Beyond Hill and Dale... Beauclair Palace
Land of a Thousand Fables
Toussaint If Geralt decides in The Night of Long Fangs to find Syanna. 47 The Night of Long Fangs
Tesham Mutna
Blood Run Hauteville Toussaint 36 The Beast of Toussaint
La Cage au Fou
Blood Simple La Compassion Orphanage Toussaint Orianna at the orphanage. 47 The Night of Long Fangs
Burlap is the New Stripe Toussaint Prison Toussaint Banishing Dettlaff after he kills Syanna. 49 Tesham Mutna
The Perks of Being a Jailbird
Capture the Castle Dun Tynne Toussaint 47 The Man from Cintra
The Night of Long Fangs
Envoys, Wineboys Holloway Velen Completing A Poet Under Pressure / Starting a new game with the option "Blood and Wine only" 34 The Beast of Toussaint
La Cage au Fou Hauteville
Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery
Trastamara Estate Ruins
Tesham Mutna Ruins
Toussaint Regis 39 Blood Run
Spoontaneous Profits!
Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away
Pomp and Strange Circumstance Beauclair Port
Beauclair Palace
Palace Gardens
Temple Cemetery
Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery
Toussaint Entering Pierre's workshop after defeating Dettlaff 49 Tesham Mutna
Be It Ever So Humble…
Tesham Mutna Tesham Mutna Ruins Toussaint 49 Beyond Hill and Dale... / What Lies Unseen
Pomp and Strange Circumstance
Burlap is the New Stripe
The Beast of Toussaint Dulcinea Windmill
The Cockatrice Inn
Corvo Bianco
Palace Gardens
Tourney Grounds
Toussaint Summons from Duchess Anna Henrietta 35 Envoys, Wineboys
Blood Run
The Man from Cintra Lady Orianna's Estate, Hauteville Toussaint 43 Wine is Sacred
Capture the Castle
The Night of Long Fangs Beauclair Palace
Toussaint 47 Capture the Castle
What Lies Unseen Southern tip of lake Seidhe Llygad.
Unseen Elder's lair.
Toussaint If Geralt decides in The Night of Long Fangs to find Orianna. 47 Blood Simple
Tesham Mutna
Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away Beauclair Port Toussaint Resonance 42 La Cage au Fou
Wine is Sacred
Wine is Sacred Castel Ravello
Fort Astre Ruins
Ducal Guard Post
Toussaint Finishing Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away. 42 Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away
The Man from Cintra