Witcher Wiki
Secondary quest
"Father Knows Worst"
Tw3 bw father knows worst 2
Secondary quest
Blood and Wine
Suggested level
Albertus Grotto
Notice board
150 – 300 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level / 0 – 400 crown(s)

Father Knows Worst is a secondary quest in the Blood and Wine expansion.

Armed Escort Wanted!

We wish to hire a person (or persons) with good weapon skills who, for a reasonable fee, will escort us into Albertus Cavern for exploratory purposes. The knights errant claim the cave harbors no dangers, so we don't expect trouble, but better safe than sorry.
Auguste, Lucien and Hugo Monnart

Journal entry[]

One day, while strolling through Beauclair's bustling streets, Geralt spotted a notice – someone was in need off [sic] an escort as they wished to penetrate a cave. The task seemed none too complicated or taxing, so the witcher concluded it would be unwise to let it pass.
Before speaking to the posters of the notice, Geralt set out to do a bit of reconnaissance. Yet he returned to them quickly to find out what the job was to entail. The brothers, trembling in fear, explained that their other brother, beset by monsters, was trapped in a nearby cave.
Geralt followed a trail of blood to find Hugo. Wounded by monsters, the man had sought shelter in the cave's depths.
If Geralt attacks Hugo's brothers:
As Geralt and Hugo headed for the exit out of the none-too-hospitable caverns, Hugo's two brothers and a handful of armed men blocked their way. Fearing for his life, Hugo begged the witcher to teach his treacherous bastard brothers a lesson. Deciding that he should see the matter through to the end, Geralt fulfilled Hugo's wish.
If Geralt reasons with Hugo's brothers:
As Geralt and Hugo were leaving the none-too-hospitable caverns, Hugo's two siblings, assisted by a handful of armed men, blocked their way. Fearing for his life, Hugo begged the witcher to teach his treacherous bastard brothers a lesson. Yet as we all know, Geralt has a strong aversion for unnecessary violence, so he turned Hugo down. This proved a wise decision - forced to discuss their differences, the three brothers settled their dispute and resolved to embark on an enterprise together.


  • Talk to the men issuing the contract.
  • Find out what happened to the missing brother.
  • Defeat the kikimores.
  • Using your Witcher Senses, look for signs of Hugo.
  • Follow the trail.
  • Talk to Hugo. (7 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Retrieve the missing part from the lake (the water is boiling due to heat coming from underground, you need to use Quen for protection).

Geralt finds the filter but tries to exit cave without giving it to Hugo:

  • Hugo catches up with Geralt and takes the filter.

Geralt finds filter and returns it to Hugo directly:

  • Return the filter to Hugo. (150 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level, 100 crown(s))
  • There Can Be Only One, Geralt earns the virtue of honor (at end of quest).

Geralt attacks Hugo's brothers:

  • 150 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level

Geralt reasons with Hugo's brothers:

  • 150 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level, 300 crown(s)
  • Visit The Clever Clogs for alcohol at reduced prices. Turns Hugo into a merchant there.


  • The name of this quest is a play on the American television series "Father Knows Best".
  • Geralt can say that he has no time to take on the quest. That probably has consequences though, i.e. Hugo might not survive in the cave. (untested)

