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In The Witcher computer game[]

Regular Potions[]

Italic text in Effect column reflect the in-game text on the medallion area when a potion is used.

Image Name Ingredients Effect Duration/Toxicity
Black Blood
Black Blood Vitriol Vitriol Vitriol Rebis Aether Turns imbiber's blood into poison; blood becomes lethal to monsters which drink it. Monsters feeding on Geralt die immediately. Long (8 hrs)
De Vries' Extract
De Vries' Extract Rebis Aether Quebrith Quebrith Hydragenum Makes hidden opponents visible. Advanced night vision; Ability to detect invisible beings; Ability to see through walls. Brief (1 hr)
Fisstech Quebrith Hydragenum Hydragenum Hydragenum Vermilion Upon consumption — Pass out instantly. Long (8 hrs ?)
Low (?)
Full Moon
Full Moon Quebrith Hydragenum Hydragenum Vermilion Vermilion Greatly increases maximum Vitality. Maximum Vitality doubled. Long (8 hrs)
Very High
Petri's Philter
Petri's Philter Rebis Rebis Quebrith Hydragenum Vermilion Increases the intensity of Signs. Sign intensity inceased by 50%. Long (8 hrs)
Very High
Shrike Rebis Quebrith Hydragenum Vermilion Vermilion Inflicts pain on assailants during combat. Critical effect Pain inflicted on foes wounding Geralt. Long (8 hrs)
Thunderbolt Vitriol Rebis Hydragenum Vermilion Vermilion Increases damage inflicted on opponents but makes dodging and parrying impossible. Damage inflicted increased by 100%; Dodge efficiency reduced to 50%; Parry efficiency reduced to 50%. Long (8 hrs)
Wolf Vitriol Vitriol Hydragenum Hydragenum Vermilion Increases chance of a critical hit. Chance of inflicting critical effect Precise Hit increased by 50%. Long (8 hrs)
Wolverine Aether Aether Quebrith Hydragenum Vermilion Wolverine increases damage inflicted when a witcher's Vitality falls below half. Upon consumption — Intoxication: Attack efficiecny reduced by 50%. Long (8 hrs)

Mutagenic Potions[]

Image Name Ingredients Effect Duration/Toxicity
Dagon Sap
Dagon Sap Substances Dagon secretions Rebis Aether Hydragenum Vermilion Allows you to acquire the "True Grit" Strength upgrade. Permanent
Golem's Pith
Golem's Pith Substances Golems obsidian heart Vitriol Aether Quebrith Hydragenum Allows you to acquire the "Moonrise" Intelligence upgrade. Permanent
Kikimore's Ire
Kikimore's Ire Substances Kikimore queens nerve Vitriol Quebrith Hydragenum Vermilion Allows you to acquire the "Mutation" Stamina upgrade. Permanent
Werewolf's Wrath
Werewolf's Wrath Substances Werewolf fur Aether Quebrith Hydragenum Vermilion Allows you to acquire the "Predator" Dexterity upgrade. Permanent


Image Name Ingredients Effect Duration
Argentia Argentia Quebrith Quebrith Hydragenum Hydragenum Rebis Witchers coat their silver blades with Argentia, which increases the effectiveness of silver, but weakens steel blades. Damage inflicted increased by 60% (silver sword); Reduced Damage incurred (steel sword). 24 hours
Brown oil Brown oil Rebis Aether Quebrith Vermilion Vermilion Brown oil accelerates bleeding; creatures lacking a circulatory system are immune to its effects. Considerable chance of causing Bleeding in foes with every hit. 24 hours
Crinfrid oil Crinfrid oil Vitriol Aether Hydragenum Vermilion Vermilion A blade coated with this substance causes crippling pain to a wounded creature; creatures which do not feel pain are immune to its effects. Considerable chance of inflicting Pain on foes with every hit. 24 hours
Hanged man's venom Hanged man's venom Vitriol Aether Rebis Hydragenum Vermilion This blade coating poisons wounded opponents, yet it is ineffective against monsters whose physiology differs greatly from that of humans. Considerable chance of Poisoning foes with every hit. 24 hours
Vampire Oil Vampire Oil Vitriol Vermilion Hydragenum Quebrith Quebrith A blade coated with this substance causes increased damage to all types of vampires. Damage inflicted on vampires increased by 100%. 24 hours


Image Name Ingredients Effect Duration
Dragon's Dream Dragon's Dream Hydragenum Hydragenum Quebrith Rebis Vermilion Releases a cloud of flammable gas which causes a destructive explosion when ignited. Immediate

In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]


Image Name Ingredients Effect Duration/Toxicity
Gadwall Caelum Sol Aether Rebis Vitriol Increases vitality regeneration at the expense of vigor and damage dealt. 10 / 40