Witcher Wiki


Gar (Polish: Niszczuka) is one of the Crinfrid Reavers, a group of mercenaries hired by king Niedamir to take part in the hunt for a dragon outside Barefield in "The Bounds of Reason", a short story in the Sword of Destiny collection by Andrzej Sapkowski. He also has a preference for wielding a large two-handed sword. The other group members include:

In the Polish Movie and TV series[]

The Crinfrid Reavers appear in the episode "Smok" of the series, where the role of Niszczuka is portrayed by Andrzej Bryg.

In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]


The Crinfrid Reavers in The Witcher 2, Desbrut is on the far right

In The Witcher 2, he is called "Desbrut", although the original Polish name translates to a type of fish, garpike to be specific.
