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Tw3 gwent agile Close combat or Ranged combat

Gwent agile cards can be placed in either the Close combat or the Ranged combat row. They cannot be moved once placed.

Icon Name Type Combat row Strength Source Deck
Tw3 icon gwent soldier scoia tael
Barclay Els Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
6 Purchase from the Innkeep at The Golden Sturgeon
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent soldier scoia tael
Ciaran aep Easnillien Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
3 Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent melee scoia tael
Dol Blathanna Scout Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
6 (1 of 3) Purchase from the Innkeep at The Golden Sturgeon
(2 of 3) Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent soldier scoia tael
Filavandrel aen Fidhail Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
6 Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent soldier scoia tael
Vrihedd Brigade Veteran Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
5 (1 of 2) Purchase from Stjepan at The Alchemy
(1 of 2) Purchase from Olivier at The Kingfisher inn
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent soldier scoia tael
Yaevinn Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
6 Sjusta the Tailor in Kaer Trolde harbor
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent range monsters
Celaeno Harpy Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
2 Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent range monsters
Harpy Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
2 Purchased from Innkeep at the Harviken tavern
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent range monsters
Kayran [1] Hero
Close combat or Ranged combat
8 Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Olaf Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
12 Blood and Wine:
Won from the Sommelier at The Adder and Jewels Winery
Tw3 gwent deck Skellige


  1. The Kayran card's special ability is technically Morale boost, but it can be placed in either the Close combat or the Ranged combat row on the battlefield, effectively making it an agile card as well.