Witcher Wiki


Gwent muster cards when played, automatically find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.

Icon Name Type Combat row Strength Source Deck
Tw3 icon gwent melee scoia tael
Dwarven Skirmisher Unit
Close combat
3 (1 of 3) Purchase from Stjepan at The Alchemy
(2 of 3) Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent soldier scoia tael
Elven Skirmisher Unit
Ranged combat
2 (2 of 3) Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
(1 of 3) Purchased from Innkeep in Urialla harbor
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent melee scoia tael
Havekar Smuggler Unit
Close combat
5 (1 of 3) Purchase from Olivier at The Kingfisher inn
(1 of 3) Purchase from the Innkeep at The Seven Cats
(1 of 3) Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Scoiatael
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Arachas Unit
Close combat
4 (1 of 3) Purchased from Innkeep in Arinbjorn
(1 of 3) Purchased from Innkeep in Urialla harbor
(1 of 3) Purchased from Innkeep in Svorlag
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent siege monsters
Arachas Behemoth Unit
6 Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Crone: Brewess Unit
Close combat
6 Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Crone: Weavess Unit
Close combat
6 Gwent: Velen Players won from the Old Sage
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Crone: Whispess Unit
Close combat
6 Purchased from Innkeep in Arinbjorn
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Ghoul Unit
Close combat
1 (2 of 3) Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
(1 of 3) Purchased from Innkeep at the Harviken tavern
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Nekker Unit
Close combat
2 (1 of 3) during Following the Thread, looting Hammond's corpse
(1 of 3) Purchased from Innkeep at the Harviken tavern
(1 of 3) Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Vampire: Bruxa Unit
Close combat
4 during A Matter of Life and Death, winning a match at the Vegelbud Estate
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Vampire: Ekimmara Unit
Close combat
5 Purchased from Innkeep in Svorlag
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Vampire: Fleder Unit
Close combat
4 Purchased from Innkeep at the Harviken tavern
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Vampire: Garkain Unit
Close combat
5 Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent melee monsters
Vampire: Katakan Unit
Close combat
5 Gwent: Skellige Style won from Jarl Madman Lugos
Tw3 gwent deck Monsters
Tw3 icon gwent siege neutral
Gaunter O'Dimm Unit
2 Hearts of Stone:
Won from Robert Hilbert at the auction
Tw3 icon gwent range neutral
Gaunter O'Dimm: Darkness Unit
Ranged combat
4 Hearts of Stone:
(1 of 3) purchased from the Ofieri Merchant at Upper Mill
(2 of 3) purchased from the Merchant with the circus troupe
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Cerys Hero
Close combat
10 Blood and Wine:
won from the Innkeep at The Barrel and Bung Inn
Tw3 gwent deck Skellige
Tw3 icon gwent range skellige
Light Longship (3) Unit
Ranged combat
4 Blood and Wine:
1 from the Merchant at the Perfumery
2 from Count Monnier
Tw3 gwent deck Skellige