Gwent Scorch cards are discarded after playing. They kill the strongest card(s) on the battlefield, or specified row.
Icon | Name | Type | Combat row | Strength | Affected area | Source | Deck |
Clan Dimun Pirate | Unit | 6 | Ranged combat row | Blood and Wine: Won from the Merchant at the Dupont & Sons |
Foltest: Son of Medell | Leader | n/a | n/a | Ranged combat row | Hearts of Stone: Purchased from the Merchant with the circus troupe |
Schirrú | Unit | 8 | Siege row | Hearts of Stone: Won from the Merchant with the circus troupe |
Scorch (3) | Special card | n/a | n/a | Battlefield | 1 purchased from the Cunny of the Goose innkeep 1 purchased from the innkeep at the New Port Inn 1 purchased from the Urialla harbor innkeep |
Neutral | |
Toad | Unit | 7 | Ranged combat row | Hearts of Stone: Win from Olgierd von Everec after Dead Man's Party |
Villentretenmerth | Unit | 7 | Close combat row | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | Neutral |