Witcher Wiki
Icon disambig This article is about the creature. For the sword, see Harpy (sword).

A harpy is a monster with a woman's head and a bird's body.

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Tw3 journal harpy
Vulnerable to
Grapeshot bombs
Hybrid oils
They swarm their victims
Harpy talons
Harpy eggs
Lesser blue mutagen

Bestiary entry[]

Most monsters don't actually keep any treasure in their lairs. Harpies, though – they like shiny things.
— Letho, Viper School witcher
It is hard to say what is most repulsive about harpies and their cousins, the shishigas: their hideous appearance, the overwhelming stench of rot and bird excrement that clings to them or their bloodcurdling screech. Suffice it to say that even rats, who dwell happily among the rankest fecal matter and rotten waste, give their nests a wide berth.
Harpy nests are most often found atop high cliffs or rocky ravines. Sure signs of having strayed near one are crumbling human and animal remains, guano-streaked rocks and feathers littering the ground.
Harpies and shishigas hunt in flocks consisting of a handful to up to twenty individuals. Though rather cowardly and cautious, harpies fiercely defend their nests and will not hesitate to attack when outnumbering their foes.
During combat they use their ability to fly to dive swiftly to strike their victims one by one before soaring back up out of reach. They can kill with their wings or their sharp beak and talons. Once on the ground they move slowly and clumsily, and thus no longer present much of a threat.


In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

Tw2 journal harpy
Harpy queen
Celaeno harpy
usually near cliffs and mountains, but not exclusively
Harpy trap
Igni sign
swift, flying attacks and quick retreats
Harpy egg
Harpy eyes
Harpy feathers
Harpy saliva
Harpy claws
Robust cloth
Hardened leather
Other loot

Killing regular harpies will grant experience until Level 22. The harpies that spawn around the Visionary's hut are somewhat weaker than regular harpies that spawn in the Forest Ravines and the Old quarry. Hence, they cease giving XP when killed at a much earlier character level. On the other hand, their loot tables are exactly the same as regular harpies, which is useful for players hunting for Mutagens or looking for crafting components in Dark Mode.

Erynia are a related species of the harpy.

Associated Quests[]

Journal entry[]

Some are repulsed by rotfiends, other cannot stand tales of bullvores, but I find harpies, beasts of ugly temper and penchant for thieving, the worst of all. Fortunately, harpies prefer wild, mountainous areas, full of rocky ledges they can build their nests on. However they always establish themselves near a human settlement. This is done for thus simple reason that they wouldn't be able to steal much from animals.
There are many harpy species, and all are kleptomaniacs, though some steal dreams instead of baubles. They especially like dreams laden with strong emotions, such as nightmares that recur time and again. The harpies' victims lose such dreams - which is actually a blessing in the case of nightmares - and the beasts enclose them in crystals, creating items that strongly radiate magic. Mages desire the dreams stolen by these creatures, so much so that they breed harpies in order that they may filch their booty at daybreak. Yet it is rare for a stolen dream or nightmare to be powerful enough, or to come from a powerful enough creature, to satisfy a sorcerer.
As winged creatures, harpies attack swiftly, from a great distance, before their prey can notice them. After landing a blow, they flee for a safe spot. Pinning them to the ground and denying them flight is often the only solution. Thus incapacitated, they become as clumsy as hens. Stunned with a bomb, hit with the Igni or Aard Sign, the beasts prove easy to kill, especially with the fast fighting style.
The harpies' greatest strength is their ability to fly, but they can be grounded with the use of a trap. Because the creatures' wings are feathered, they are easily set aflame, so using the Igni Sign against harpies always has good results. The beasts have an excellent sense of direction and balance, and even when flailing about near the ground they can easily regain the sky, so attempts to knock them down are doomed to fail.


  • There is also a sword in the game called "Harpy".

