Witcher Wiki
Kingdom of Kaedwen
Flag Kaedwen COA Kaedwen
Flag Coat of Arms
Official language
Common Speech
Ard Carraigh
Form of government
Head of State
King Henselt
Geographical position
Places Kaedwen
Detail of the The Witcher map

Kaedwen, is the largest of the Northern Kingdoms (and the one of largest countries in the world, second to Nilfgaard). Its main cities are its capital, Ard Carraigh, and the city of Ban Ard, famous for its sorcery school. Known for its cold and unforgiving climate, along with the many forests within its borders, its name may come from the Elder Speech, slightly corrupted: Caedwen or White Forest.

Henselt, its king, quarrels frequently with neighbouring Aedirn, mostly over the ownership of the Pontar Valley which once belonged to the Kaedweni. Kaedwen also shares borders with the kingdoms of Redania and Caingorn; and portions of the Fiery Mountains, the Kestrel Mountains and the Blue Mountains run through the kingdom. The witchers' fortress of Kaer Morhen is located amidst the peaks of the Blue Mountains, and further south lies the land of the Free Elves, an enclave established by elves seeking refuge from centuries of warring with humans.

National emblems[]


Kaedweni coat of arms Kaedweni coat of arms - another variant Kaedweni coat of arms in The Witcher 2

First two coat of arms are vector versions of the work of our resident heraldry and Witcher expert Mboro, based on the description in the novels.


Armed Forces[]

Cities and keeps[]

Regions and landmarks[]


In The Witcher computer game[]

The Prologue is set in the grounds of Kaer Morhen, which is located in the northern kingdom of Kaedwen. Additionally, one of the types of beer available to Geralt throughout the game is Kaedwenian Stout.

In The Price of Neutrality premium module[]

This premium module for the game is set in the surroundings of Kaer Morhen, which is located in the northern kingdom of Kaedwen.

Journal entry[]

The largest of the Northern Kingdoms with its capital at Ard Carraigh, Kaedwen has a cold and unforgiving climate. Its ruler, Henselt, quarrels frequently with the monarch of neighboring Aedirn. Kaedwen also shares borders with the kingdoms of Redania and Caingorn and with the duchies of Yspaden and Creyden. Portions of the Fiery Mountains, the Kestrel Mountains and the Blue Mountains run through the kingdom. The witcher's fortress of Kaer Morhen is located amidst the peaks of the latter range. Further south lies the land of the Free Elves, an enclave established by elves seeking refuge from centuries of warring with humans. Kaedwen's main cities are its capital and the city of Ban Ard, famous for its sorcery school.

The above journal entry states that, Kaedwen borders the duchy of "Vspaden", which is an error based on a fan-made map from Andrzej Sapkowski Zone, even though CD Projekt RED created a more correct map of their own for the game, which does not include this error. The fan-made map includes the duchy based on a (misspelled) reference to Yspaden in "The Lesser Evil". According to Andrzej Sapkowski's own notes, which were released after the map was created, Yspaden is a city in Redania.

In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

While the kingdom of Kaedwen does not itself feature in the game, its king, Henselt and a Kaedweni taskforce of 5000 men do. They attempt to seize the Pontar Valley through negotiated terms at first, but are met with resistance from Prince Stennis and the Blood Curse of Sabrina Glevissig. Henselt is forced to take it through military action, but this is met with fierce resistance from Saskia and the Vergen militia. The outcome of the battle and fate of King Henselt can be influenced by the Geralt's actions.

Journal entry[]

Kaedwen Kaedwen

The formidable ranges of the Blue, Kestrel and Fiery mountains define the eastern and western boundaries of the densely forested, cold and harsh domain of Kaedwen, whose coat of arms is a black unicorn rearing on a golden field. The realm's capital at Ard Carraigh was the seat of power of King Henselt, a man known for having a violent temper and pursuing radical policies towards nonhumans. The latter could be attributed to the fact that Scoia'tael units consistently caused great injury to the wooded land and its inhabitants, launching many brutal guerilla attacks. The local human populace responded with massacres perpetrated on the assimilated elves and dwarves inhabiting the country's cities. And so hatred burned on and blood bred blood. Those who called for peace were accused of treason and often died at the hands of their kinfolk. Furthermore, Kaedwen was involved in an age-old feud with neighboring Aedirn over the territory of Lormark, and that conflict cast a pall over relations between the two countries. As you will clearly see, its echoes rang out in this story as well.


  1. in Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni
  2. Speculative
  3. 3.0 3.1 in Zdrada graphic novel