Witcher Wiki
Mag Turga
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Mag Turgan[2]
Province or Palatinate of Nilfgaardian Empire
Geographical position

Mag Turga is a highland region in the Nilfgaardian Empire which borders on Toussaint and Tir Tochair to the northeast, the Amell Mountains to the north, Nazair to the west, Metinna and Geso to the south and southeast.

Inhabitants of Mag Turga participated in rebellion against the Nilfgaardians during the 2nd Northern War, same as people from Attre, Strept and the Slopes.[3]



Before the First Landing Mag Turga was inhabited by the Wozgor people. They used to wear leather clothes, grow beards and offer human sacrifices to Lilit. Almost all of them were either killed or escaped to Eastern Lands when the first kings counquered the region and the remains probably mixed with Nordling and Metinnese settlers. Few of their necropolies however survived to at least the 13th century.[1]

Northern Wars[]

Although it was absorbed by the Empire peacefully[2] at some point during 1240s or 1250s, people of Mag Turga do not follow the Pax Nilfgaardiana much willingly.[4] They participated in the pan-Amell rebellion along with several other countries,[3] but eventually surrendered after the marriage between Emperor Emhyr var Emreis and Queen Cirilla when the new amnesty was apparently granted.[5]

According to recent rumors, some dwarves started digging at the roots of Mag Turgan hills.[2]

Geography and climate[]

Mag Turga is located on the hills bordering two mountain passes, Amell and Tir Tochair. It is rugged and thickly forested, with dangerous monsters and crumbling cliffs.[2] More welcoming is the Sudduth region, which benefits from a warm microclimate, similar to that of Toussaint but with much poorer soil.[5]


Inhabitants of Mag Turga are clannish and slow to warm to outsiders.[2] They are often described to have red hair and lighter shade of carnation than the Nilfgaardians.[6]

Mag Turgan highlanders brew stout and enjoy freshly butchered roasts.[2]


Due to a considerable number of forests, it is here where the ore from Belhaven is used to be smelted.[3] City of Tergano in particular is known for its magnificent swords.[7] The land profits as well from trade routes in the Sudduth valley.[4]


Emblems in the infobox combine version used in The Witcher Role-Playing Game (which itself was based on coat of arms by our expert Mboro, who in turn based it on coat of arms of Slovenia) with golden orbs from In Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni.

Notable locations[]


  • mag means "plain" or "lowland" in Old Irish.
  • Turga and Tergano could be connected to Proto-Slavic root tъrgъ, related to merchandise and wares, also to a place were trade is being done. Another trope could be the Türgesh, a Turkic tribal confederation active in the 8th century.

