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Flag Mahakam COA Mahakam
Flag Coat of Arms
Official language
Dwarven Speech
Mount Carbon
Form of government
Clan society governed by the Elder
Fiefdom of Temeria de iure
Head of State
King Foltest de iure
Brouver Hoog, elder of Mahakam and dwarven clans de facto
Geographical position
The dwarven city sketch 1
A dwarven city, concept art for The Witcher 2
Places Mahakam
Detail of the The Witcher map

Icon Mountain

Mahakam is an autonomous region and a mountain range between the kingdoms of Temeria, Aedirn, Lyria and Sodden, inhabited by dwarves, gnomes, halflings and bobolaks.

It is the biggest known exporter of iron and steel to the Northern Kingdoms and Nilfgaard and many mines, foundries, forges etc. are located there. Mahakam iron is famous for its quality and is considered to be the best in the world. Aside from its iron, Mahakam is famous for its weapons, forged using advanced gnomish technology.

Formally, Mahakam is a fiefdom of Foltest, king of Temeria, but the Mahakam dwarves and gnomes maintain much independence, as any intervention would result in dwarves stopping the supply shipments and flooding the mines. The real authority in Mahakam is dwarven elder Brouver Hoog, who resides at Mount Carbon.

Tw sob concept art

Kurcova village in Mahakam - concept art for The Witcher: Scars of Betrayal

National emblems[]

Coat of arms[]

Mahakam coat of arms


Mahakam flag



In The Witcher computer game[]

  • Mahakam is not visited in the game, though it is referred to then and again in discussions, books and journal entries.
  • Dwarven Spirit is allegedly made in Mahakam. There is also Mahakaman Mead, which is regarded as "the dwarves' greatest contribution to world culture".
  • Numerous weapons in the game, including light weapons, heavy weapons plus a sword, are of Mahakam make.