The Nilfgaardian Empire Gwent deck must be built from scratch by acquiring cards.
- Faction perk: Nilfgaard wins if the round ends in a tie.
The Nilfgaardian Empire Decks have a wide variety of specialties which includes Tight Bond Cards, Medics, 10 Strength Non-Hero Cards and Spies.
Icon | Name (no. of cards) | Type | Combat row | Strength | Special ability | Description | Source |
Emhyr var Emreis: His Imperial Majesty | Leader | n/a | n/a | His Imperial Majesty | Pick a Torrential Rain card from your deck and play it instantly. | Part of the base deck | |
Emhyr var Emreis: Emperor of Nilfgaard | Leader | n/a | n/a | Emperor of Nilfgaard | Look at 3 random cards from your opponent's hand. | Purchase from the Innkeep at the Crossroads | |
Emhyr var Emreis: the White Flame | Leader | n/a | n/a | The White Flame | Cancel your opponent's Leader Ability. | Gwent: Skellige Style, reward for completing the quest | |
Emhyr var Emreis: The Relentless | Leader | n/a | n/a | The Relentless | Draw a card from your opponent's discard pile. | High Stakes | |
Emhyr var Emreis: Invader of the North | Leader | n/a | n/a | Invader of the North | Abilities that restore a unit to the battlefield restore a randomly-chosen unit. Affects both players. | Hearts of Stone | |
Albrich | Unit | 2 | None | n/a | Purchase from the Quartermaster or Trader in Crow's Perch | ||
Assire var Anahid | Unit | 6 | None | n/a | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | ||
Black Infantry Archer (2) | Unit | 10 | None | n/a | 1 purchased from the Merchant in Lindenvale 1 purchased from the Merchant in Claywich (after rescuing him) | ||
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach | Unit | 6 | None | n/a | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | ||
Cynthia | Unit | 4 | None | n/a | Purchase from the Quartermaster in Crow's Perch | ||
Etolian Auxiliary Archers (2) | Unit | 1 | Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards). Not affected by special cards, weather cards or abilities. | 1 purchased from the Merchant in Lindenvale 1 purchased from the Merchant in Claywich (after rescuing him) | |||
Fringilla Vigo | Unit | 6 | None | n/a | A Dangerous Game, looted from Caesar Bilzen's house | ||
Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion | Unit | 10 | None | n/a | Purchase from the Merchant in Lindenvale | ||
Impera Brigade Guard (4) | Unit | 3 | Place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both cards | 1 purchased from the Crossroads innkeep 1 purchased from the Cunny of the Goose innkeep 1 purchased from the The Seven Cats innkeep 1 purchased from the Quartermaster or Trader in Crow's Perch | |||
Letho of Gulet | Hero | 10 | Hero | Not affected by special cards, weather cards or abilities. | Gwent: Velen Players, won from the Boatwright in Oreton | ||
Menno Coehoorn | Hero | 10 | Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards). | Gwent: Playing Innkeeps, won from the Innkeep at the Crossroads | |||
Morteisen | Unit | 3 | None | n/a | Purchase from the merchant in Midcopse | ||
Morvran Voorhis | Hero | 10 | Hero | Not affected by special cards, weather cards or abilities. | Gwent: Big City Players, won from Marquise Serenity at the Passiflora | ||
Nausicaa Cavalry Rider (3) | Unit | 2 | Place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both cards | 1 purchased from the Crossroads innkeep 1 purchased from the Trader in Crow's Perch 1 purchased from the Quartermaster or Trader in Crow's Perch | |||
Puttkammer | Unit | 3 | None | n/a | Purchase from the Merchant in Claywich (after rescuing him) | ||
Rainfarn | Unit | 4 | None | n/a | Purchase from the Merchant in Lindenvale | ||
Renuald aep Matsen | Unit | 5 | None | n/a | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | ||
Rotten Mangonel | Unit | 3 | None | n/a | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | ||
Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen | Unit | 7 | Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | |||
Siege Engineer | Unit | 6 | None | n/a | Purchase from the Innkeep at the Crossroads | ||
Siege Technician | Unit | 0 | Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards). | Purchase from the Innkeep at The Golden Sturgeon | |||
Stefan Skellen | Unit | 9 | Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | |||
Sweers | Unit | 2 | None | n/a | Purchase from the Merchant in Claywich (after rescuing him) | ||
Tibor Eggebracht | Hero | 10 | Hero | Not affected by special cards, weather cards or abilities. | Gwent: Playing Innkeeps, won from Olivier at The Kingfisher | ||
Vanhemar | Unit | 4 | None | n/a | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | ||
Vattier de Rideaux | Unit | 4 | Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | |||
Vreemde | Unit | 2 | None | n/a | Random, from playing a craftsman or merchant | ||
Young Emissary (2) | Unit | 5 | Place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both cards | 1 purchased from the Cunny of the Goose innkeep 1 purchased from The Seven Cats innkeep | |||
Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion | Unit | 5 | None | n/a | 1 purchased from the Quartermaster or Trader in Crow's Perch |