Witcher Wiki
Main quest
"Open Sesame! The Safecracker"
Tw3 hos open sesame! the safecracker
Main quest
Hearts of Stone
Suggested level
78–118 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level
Open Sesame!
Open Sesame! Witcher Seasonings
Open Sesame! Breaking and Entering

Open Sesame! The Safecracker is a Hearts of Stone main quest, in which Geralt must recruit either Casimir Bassi or Quinto for a planned heist.

Journal entry[]

Vaults are, as a rule, difficult to enter. Their metal-plated doors must either be teased open in silence by a skilled safecracker – or blown to smithereens by a demolitions expert. The unequalled master of the first method was Quinto, the best safecracker north of the Yaruga. The go-to specialist for the second was Casimir Bassi, a dwarf hailing from Mahakam.
Geralt recruits Casimir:
Geralt chose to recruit Casimir to join his crew. Expecting to have to persuade the dwarf to abandon his idyllic family life, Geralt found himself instead convincing the dwarf to cling to any life at all. Abandoned by his wife, Casimir was set on exploding himself and his wrecked home in a spectacularly effective suicide – until he heard the witcher's offer.
Geralt recruits Quinto:
Geralt decided on Quinto. Hans of Cidaris was holding the man captive, so Geralt first had to free him… though once he did, he had the impression the famed safecracker could have waltzed out of his prison at any time without his help. The ease with which Quinto opened his cell's lock boded well for his chances of cracking open the door to the Borsodis' vault.


  • Convince Casimir to take part in the robbery
    • Use Axii to get him off the roof (40+78 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
    • Call him pathetic and fist fight (78 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
    • Any empathetic solution fails


  • Go to the mercenaries' camp and talk to Quinto
    • Negotiate price to 175 crown(s) (17+78 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
    • Pay full 200 crown(s) (20+78 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
    • Play and win gwent game (78 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
    • Win in a fist fight (2+78 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)

