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Tw3 questitem cg700 base deck

The Skellige Gwent deck was introduced with the Blood and Wine expansion pack. The base deck is received from Count Monnier.

Associated quests[]


  • Faction perk: 2 random Unit cards from the graveyard are placed on the battlefield at the start of the third round.


Icon Name (no. of cards) Type Combat row Strength Special ability Description Source
Tw3 gwent card back skellige
Crach an Craite Leader
Crach an Craite Shuffles all cards from each player's graveyard back into their decks. Blood and Wine:
The Ducal Camerlengo at his office
Tw3 gwent card back skellige
King Bran Leader
King Bran Units only lose half their strength in bad weather conditions. Blood and Wine:
The Ducal Camerlengo at his office
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Berserker Unit
Close combat
Transforms into a bear when a Mardroeme card is on its row. Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Birna Bran Unit
Close combat
Choose one card from your discard pile (excluding heroes) to play instantly. Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Blueboy Lugos Unit
Close combat
6 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Cerys Hero
Close combat
Summon Shield Maidens
Call all Shield Maiden cards from deck or hand into active play.
Not affected by special cards, weather cards or abilities.
Blood and Wine:
won from the Innkeep at The Barrel and Bung Inn
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Clan an Craite Warrior (3) Unit
Close combat
Tight Bond
Place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both. Blood and Wine:
All three from Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent range skellige
Clan Brokvar Archer (3) Unit
Ranged combat
6 None n/a Blood and Wine:
1 from the Herbalist at Castel Ravello
2 from Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent range skellige
Clan Dimun Pirate Unit
Ranged combat
Scorch – Ranged
Discard after playing. Kills the strongest card(s) on the battlefield Blood and Wine:
Won from the Merchant at the Dupont & Sons
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Clan Drummond Shield Maiden (3) Unit
Close combat
Tight Bond
Place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both. Blood and Wine:
1 from the Armorer of Francollarts
1 from the Innkeep at The Cockatrice Inn
1 from the Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Clan Heymaey Skald Unit
Close combat
4 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Clan Tordarroch Armorsmith Unit
Close combat
4 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Donar an Hindar Unit
Close combat
4 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent siege skellige
Draig Bon-Dhu Unit
Horn on any row
Commander's Horn Blood and Wine:
Won from the Innkeep at The Pheasantry
Tw3 icon gwent range skellige
Ermion Hero
Ranged combat
Triggers transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row. Blood and Wine:
Won from the Innkeep at the The Scarlet Cardinal Inn
Tw3 gwent card back skellige
Hemdall Hero
Close combat
11 Hero Not affected by special cards, weather cards or abilities. Blood and Wine:
Summoned by Kambi
Tw3 gwent card back skellige
Hjalmar Hero
Ranged combat
10 Hero Not affected by special cards, weather cards or abilities. Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent siege skellige
Holger Blackhand Unit
4 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Kambi Special
Close combat
Summon Avenger
When this card is removed from the battlefield, it summons a powerful Hemdall to take its place. Blood and Wine:
Won from the Armorer in central Hauteville
Tw3 icon gwent range skellige
Light Longship (3) Unit
Ranged combat
Summon similarly named cards from hand and deck. Blood and Wine:
1 from the Merchant at the Perfumery
2 from Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Madman Lugos Unit
Close combat
6 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent morale booster skellige
Mardroeme (3) Special
Triggers transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row. Blood and Wine:
1 from the Herbalist in Beauclair
1 from the Madame at The Belles of Beauclair
1 from Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Olaf Unit
Close combat or Ranged combat
12 Morale boost Adds +1 strength to all units in the row, excluding itself.
Can be placed in either the Close combat or the Ranged combat row. Cannot be moved once placed
Blood and Wine:
Won from the Sommelier at The Adder and Jewels Winery
Tw3 icon gwent weather skellige
Skellige Storm (3) Special
Skellige Rain
Reduces the Strength of all Range and Siege Units to 1. Blood and Wine:
1 from the Armorer at the Tourney Grounds
1 from the Barber at the Tourney Grounds
1 from the Butcher by the Beauclair Port
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Svanrige Unit
Close combat
4 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Udalryk Unit
Close combat
4 None n/a Blood and Wine:
Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent siege skellige
War Longship (3) Unit
Tight Bond
Place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both. Blood and Wine:
1 from the Innkeep at the Tourney Grounds
2 from Count Monnier
Tw3 icon gwent melee skellige
Young Berserker (3) Unit
Ranged combat
Transforms into a bear when a Mardroeme card is on its row. Blood and Wine:
1 from Pierre at the Tailor's Workshop
1 from the Blacksmith at the Tourney Grounds
1 from Count Monnier