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Assire var Anahid is not really nilfgaardian, Eviva, her sister, was originally from the Northern Kingdoms.--— Gwynbleidds (talk) 16:00, 16 February 2019 (UTC)

Citation ? — Game widow ( talk ) 18:38, 16 February 2019 (UTC)
In "The Lady of the Lake" : Po drugie, nie było tajemnicą, że babka Eviva, matka Mawr, pochodziła z Nordlingów. Tata w gniewie nie raz potrafił nazwać babkę "wilczycą z Północy". Ma się rozumieć, za jej plecami.--— Gwynbleidds (talk) 18:46, 16 February 2019 (UTC)
My Polish is non-existant, got the French or English for that? — Game widow ( talk ) 18:48, 16 February 2019 (UTC)
In French : Deuxièmement, ce n’était un secret pour personne que leur grand-mère Eviva, la mère de Mawr, était originaire de Nordling. Son père, lorsqu’il était en colère, avait plus d’une fois surnommé sa grand-mère « la louve du Nord ». Dans son dos, bien entendu.--— Gwynbleidds (talk) 19:03, 16 February 2019 (UTC)
I guess ... But she lives and works in Nilfgaard, so that's her nationality, if not her heritage. I mean, i was born in Germany, but i'm Canadian — Game widow ( talk ) 19:07, 16 February 2019 (UTC)
Cahir lives and works in Nilfgaard but he is vicovarian. Only the inhabitants of lands near the river Alba have the right to call themselves Nilfgaardians. In that case, vicovarian would be more correct, wouldn’t it?--— Gwynbleidds (talk) 19:24, 16 February 2019 (UTC)
Sure, that seems reasonable — Game widow ( talk ) 13:22, 17 February 2019 (UTC)