Witcher Wiki
Quest items
Prologue Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III

Prologue Prologue[]

Gate guard's key Gate guard's key
Newboy's talisman Newboy's talisman
Prison key Prison key
Rusty key Rusty key
Upper dungeon key Upper dungeon key

Chapter I Chapter I[]

Arrest warrant Arrest warrant
Ballista mechanism fragment Ballista mechanism fragment
Bandit hideout key Bandit hideout key
Bernard Loredo's letter Bernard Loredo's letter
Captain's log Captain's log
Captain's report Captain's report
Diagram: Witcher's silver sword Diagram: Witcher's silver sword
Dmitri's letter of safe passage Dmitri's letter of safe passage
False recipe False recipe
Finely scribbled notes Finely scribbled notes
Green mold Green mold
Heart and eyes of a pig Heart and eyes of a pig
Hospital files I Hospital files I
Hospital files II Hospital files II
Hospital files III Hospital files III
Hospital files IV Hospital files IV
Hospital records Hospital records
Iron frame Iron frame
Key of the Petra Silie's captain Key of the Petra Silie's captain
Louis Merse's report Louis Merse's report
Margot's farewell letter Margot's farewell letter
Margot's letter to Iorveth Margot's letter to Iorveth
Margot's notes Margot's notes
Marietta's key Marietta's key
Medication for Gridley Medication for Gridley
Medical notes on patient 15 Medical notes on patient 15
Melitele's Heart Melitele's Heart
Nekker heart Nekker hearts
Nekker eyes Nekker eyes
Ostmurk Ostmurk
Queen endrega's pheromones Queen endrega's pheromones
Real formula Real formula
Report for Thaler Report for Thaler
Royal Mail key Royal Mail key
Storage key Storage key
Stuffed troll head Stuffed troll head
Ves's key Ves's key
Warrior nekker blood Warrior nekker blood
White myrtle petals White myrtle petals
Wolf's aloe leaves Wolf's aloe leaves

Chapter II Chapter II[]

A Hog Named Henselt A Hog Named Henselt
Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen's first letter to the Emperor Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen's first letter to the Emperor
Balin's first map Balin's first map
Balin's journal I Balin's journal I
Balin's journal II Balin's journal II
Balin's journal III Balin's journal III
Balin's journal IV Balin's journal IV
Balin's second map Balin's second map
Balin's third map Balin's third map
Baltimore's directions Baltimore's directions
Baltimore's dream Baltimore's dream
Baltimore's key Baltimore's key
Baltimore's notes Baltimore's notes
Beaver cap Beaver cap
Catacomb key Catacomb key
Cecil Burdon's runic key Cecil Burdon's runic key
Cecil's map Cecil's map
Commander's sword Commander's sword
Conspirators' hideout key Conspirators' hideout key
Dandelion's poetry sketchbook Dandelion's poetry sketchbook
De Tansarville's protective amulet De Tansarville's protective amulet
Dethmold's grimoire Dethmold's grimoire
Dragon's dream Dragon's dream
Dun Banner cloak Dun Banner cloak
Dwarven immortelle Dwarven immortelle
An emissary's flag An emissary's flag
Harpy feathers Harpy feathers
Head of the spear that pierced Sabrina Head of the spear that pierced Sabrina
Iorveth's dream Iorveth's dream
Journal from the Eyla Tarn Journal from the Eyla Tarn
Key to the Tunnel of the Founders Key to the Tunnel of the Founders
Letho's dream Letho's dream
Letter with a soldier's supplication Letter with a soldier's supplication
Lower shaft key Lower shaft key
Malget's notes Malget's notes
Magical crystal Magical crystal
Magical powder Magical powder
Medallion Medallion
Metal fragment Metal fragment
Middle shaft key Middle shaft key
Nail-relic Nail-relic
Olcan's notes Olcan's notes
Olcan's receipt Olcan's receipt
Peasant's dream Peasant's dream
Philippa Eilhart's medallion Philippa Eilhart's medallion
Rose of remembrance Rose of remembrance
Royal blood Royal blood
Runic key Runic key
Seltkirk's armor Seltkirk's armor
Serrit's notes Serrit's notes
Soldiers' note to Visionary Soldiers' note to Visionary
Song of the Hunt Song of the Hunt
Square coin Square coin
Standard Standard
Storehouse key Storehouse key
Strange figurine Strange figurine
Surgical tools Surgical tools
Thorak's key Thorak's key
Triss' bandana Triss' bandana
Troll horn Troll horn
Upper shaft key Upper shaft key
Venoms and Poisons Venoms and Poisons
Vergen key Vergen key
The Visionary's notes I The Visionary's notes I
The Visionary's notes II The Visionary's notes II
The Visionary's notes III The Visionary's notes III
Visionary's potion Visionary's potion
The Wild Hunt The Wild Hunt
Wild Hunt investigator's notes Wild Hunt investigator's notes

Chapter III Chapter III[]

Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen's second letter to the Emperor Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen's second letter to the Emperor
Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen's third letter to the Emperor Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen's third letter to the Emperor
Anabolic steroids Anabolic steroids
Ancient manuscript Ancient manuscript
Bullvore brain Bullvore brain
Dethmold's safe key Dethmold's safe key
Dorian's diary Dorian's diary
Harpy egg Harpy egg
Operator's staff Operator's staff
Philippa Eilhart's dagger Philippa Eilhart's dagger
Philippa Eilhart's notes Philippa Eilhart's notes
Renuald aep Matsen's letter Renuald aep Matsen's letter
Rotfiend tongue Rotfiend tongue
The Runes of Power I The Runes of Power I
The Runes of Power II The Runes of Power II
The Runes of Power III The Runes of Power III
The Runes of Power IV The Runes of Power IV
Siegfried of Denesle's signet ring Siegfried of Denesle's signet ring