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Training tree Magic tree Alchemy tree Swordsmanship tree


Every time Geralt levels up after accumulating the required experience points, he gains one talent which can be allocated through the character development screen (accessible by pressing the C key or through the meditation menu). On hard difficulty or higher, talents can only be allocated during meditation.

There are a total of fifty-one skills, each with two levels, into which Geralt may invest talents, and some of the skills can be further enhanced or 'mutated' by applying mutagens to them. The skills are divided into four trees, only one of which is initially available. After six talents have been allocated to skills in the Training tree, the remaining three skill trees are unlocked. The Magic, Alchemy, and Swordsmanship trees contain fifteen talents, with two levels in each of them. Since the game has a level cap of thirty-five (and you start at level one) you will only have a total of thirty-four talent points to distribute.

Every main tree contains one advanced skill which introduces a new gameplay mechanic called 'Adrenaline' that governs its use. The skills and their Adrenaline fueled counterparts in each of the talent trees are described on a separate page.


For skills that indicate a reduction of damage %, this is actually a percentage modifier of armor. The terminology can be confusing. So with 100 armor, 20% damage reduction, and a 300 damage blow, total damage received would be 300-(100*1.20)=300-120=180. Damage reduction modifiers do stack (10%, then 15% total to 25%).

The only exception to this is the parry description, where the % affects actual damage. So a 300 damage blow would only land 150 points through a level 2 parry, less any armor reduction. Also note that parrying means blocking in the Witcher.

Training tree Training tree[]

Image Name Level 1 Level 2 Prerequisite(s)
Vigor Regeneration Vigor regeneration while out of combat +25% Vigor regeneration while in combat +25% None 0 No
Hardiness Vitality +10 Vitality +50 None 0 No
Dagger Throwing Unlocks the ability to throw daggers. Damage dealt by daggers +20 None 0 No
Parrying Unlocks the ability to parry blows from all directions. 100% Damage reduction while parrying with full Vigor (50% as of version 2.0) Vigor Regeneration or Dagger Throwing or Hardiness 0 No
Arrow Redirection Unlocks the ability to redirect arrows. Unlocks the ability to redirect arrows towards the shooter. Parrying 1 Yes
Fortitude Vigor regeneration during combat +10% Vigor +1 Parrying 1 Yes

Magic tree Magic tree[]

Image Name Level 1 Level 2 Prerequisite(s)
Enhanced Aard Sign Unlocks Aard Sign level II
Sign range +2m
Unlocks Aard Sign level III
Aard Sign affects entire areas
Sign range +6m
None 0 No
Destructive Magic Sign damage +5 Sign damage +10
Vigor +1
None 0 No
Enhanced Axii Sign Enables level II Axii Sign
Bewitched opponent gets +20% Vitality
+20% damage done
Enables level III Axii Sign
Bewitched opponent gets +50% Vitality
+50% damage done
None 0 No
Enhanced Quen Sign Enables level II Quen Sign
Quen now deflects 20% damage
Sign duration +20s
Enables level III Quen Sign
Quen now deflects 50% damage
Sign duration +60s
Enhanced Aard Sign or Destructive Magic or Enhanced Axii Sign 0 No
Magic intensification Sign intensity +1 Sign intensity +2
Damage reduction +5%
Enhanced Quen Sign or Fatal attraction 0 No
Venting Quen now transfers the reflected damage to up to two opponents Quen now transfers the reflected damage to up to three opponents Enhanced Quen Sign or Enhanced Igni Sign 0 No
Fatal attraction Axii sign can now bewitch two opponents at once Axii Sign can now bewitch three opponents at once Magic intensification or Magical Vigor 0 No
Magical Vigor Vigor +1 Vigor +2 Enhanced Quen Sign 0 No
Enhanced Igni Sign Enables level II Igni Sign
Igni can now incinerate enemies
Sign range +3m
Enables level III Igni Sign
Chance to incinerate an opponent
Igni now has an area effect
Sign range +6m
Venting or Magical Vigor 0 No
Enhanced Yrden Sign Enables level II Yrden Sign
Can now lay down two Yrden traps
Enables level III Yrden Sign
Can now lay down three Yrden traps
Fatal attraction or Enhanced Igni Sign 1 Yes
Glyph Enhancement Yrden traps are linked. Opponents cannot move through the links The links between Yrden traps now deal 5 damage per second Enhanced Yrden Sign 0 No
Energy Flow Critical effect chance of Signs +5% Critical effect chance of Signs +25% Enhanced Yrden Sign 0 No
Magical Life Force Vitality +50 Vitality +50
All resistances +5%
Enhanced Yrden Sign 0 No
Sense of Magic Enables the use of the Heliotrope Sign
Allows the generation of adrenaline through Signs
All resistances +5%
Adrenaline Generation through Signs +50%
Glyph Enhancement or Magical Life Force or Energy Flow 1 Yes
Control over the Power All resistances +20%
Sign Damage +3
Adrenaline generated through Signs +10%
All resistances +50%
Sign Damage +10
Adrenaline generated through Signs +65%
Sense of Magic 1 Yes

Alchemy tree Alchemy tree[]

Image Name Level 1 Level 2 Prerequisite(s)
Alchemist Bomb damage +30%
Trap damage +20%
Bomb damage +100%
Trap damage +100%
None 0 No
Synthesis Vitality +20 Vitality +100 None 0 No
Side Effect Chance of creating mutagens as a byproduct of alchemy +2% Chance of creating mutagens as a byproduct of alchemy +10% Alchemist or Harvester 0 No
Specialization: Potions Potion duration +10% Potion duration +40% Synthesis or Harvester 0 No
Harvester Alchemical ingredients harvested +50% Alchemical ingredients harvested +100% Side Effect or Specialization: Potions 0 No
Catalysis Positive effects of potions +10%
Negative effects of potion -30%
Positive effects of potions +35%
Negative effects of potion -80%
Harvester 0 No
Specialization: Oils Oil duration +10% Oil duration +40% Harvester 0 No
Impregnation Mutagens effects +33% – 250%, depending on the type of mutagen Mutagens effects +80% – 500%, depending on the type of mutagen Specialization: Oils 0 No
Transmutation Oil intensity +25% – 50% Oil intensity +50% – 100% Specialization: Oils 0 No
Taster Allows the consumption of one additional potion Damage done while poisoned +10%
Damage reduction while poisoned +10%
Specialization: Oils 0 No
Condensation Vigor regeneration while poisoned +15% Vigor regeneration while poisoned +55% Metathesis 1 Yes
Metathesis Damage dealt when poisoned +5% Damage dealt when poisoned +20% (+25% total) Transmutation or Taster 1 Yes
Berserker Chance of instant kill while poisoned +1% Chance of instant kill while poisoned +3% Metathesis 1 Yes
Mutant Enables Berserk mode, activated with adrenaline-filled bar
Allows generation of adrenaline while poisoned.
Adrenaline generated while poisoned +25% Berserker or Condensation 1 Yes
Amplification Adrenaline generated while poisoned +15%
Damage done while poisoned +5%
Damage taken while poisoned -5%.
Adrenaline generated while poisoned +50%
Damage done while poisoned +15%
Damage taken while poisoned -15%.
Mutant 1 Yes

Swordsmanship tree Swordsmanship tree[]

Image Name Level 1 Level 2 Prerequisite(s)
Position Geralt no longer takes damage when stabbed in the back
Damage taken through back stabs: 150%
Geralt no longer takes damage when stabbed in the back
Damage taken through back stabs: 100%
None 0 No
Riposte Allows retaliation Chance of instant kill by riposte 10% None 0 No
Footwork Dodge distance +100% Dodge distance +200% None 0 No
Violence Sword damage +5% Sword damage +15% Position or Whirl 0 No
Whirl Can now cause damage to multiple enemies
Damage done to secondary targets 50%
Damage done to secondary targets 100% Violence or Hardy 0 No
Guard Vigor required to block -25% Vigor required to block -50% Riposte or Tough guy 0 No
Tough guy Damage received -5% Damage received -15% Schemer or Guard or Hardy 0 No
Schemer Vigor regeneration in combat +10% Vigor regeneration in combat +40% Footwork or Tough guy 0 No
Hardy Vitality +25 Vitality +100 Whirl or Tough guy 0 No
Precision Chance of critical effect: Bleeding +10% Chance of critical effect: Bleeding +20%
Sword damage +5%
Hardy 0 No
Sudden Death Chance of instant kill +2% Chance of instant kill +5% Hardy 0 No
Finesse All critical effects chance +5% All critical effects chance +15% Hardy 0 No
Invincible Vitality +50
damage taken -5%
Vitality +150
damage taken -15%
Precision or Sudden Death or Finesse 1 Yes
Combat acumen Allows groups finisher, activation during adrenaline-filled bar
Allows generation of adrenaline by sword blows
Damage + 10%
Damage taken -10%
Invincible 1 Yes
Whirlwind Adrenaline generated by sword blows +10%
All resistances +10%
All critical effects chance +10%
Adrenaline generated by sword blows +30%
All resistances +20%
All critical effects chance +20%
Combat acumen 1 Yes