- Note: This article concerns only the original computer game.
The game includes a rather small number of equip-able weapons (compared to other games), and an even smaller number of those are actually any good. The amount of armor is negligible. The weapons you get as part of the story (steel sword in the Prologue, silver sword in Chapter II) are the baseline weapons. Most other weapons Geralt finds are of inferior quality, but there are a few upgrades available.
For related information, see Meteorites and Runes, which contain a list of the different combinations of meteorites and runes you can apply to weapons, or Armor which discusses what armor there is in the game.
This article serves as a launch point for more specific information.
Steel Swords[]
In The Witcher, steel swords are used primarily against humans, and non-humans, as they reportedly have little effect on monsters, with a few exceptions: Vodyanoi, Dogs and Wolves are also effective steel sword targets.
Description Buy Sell Witcher's steel sword 200 40 Ceremonial sword of Deithwen 1500 300 D'yaebl 1500 300 Elven sword of the Blue Mountains 400 80 G'valchir, a Mahakaman rune sihill 1000 300 Gwalhir 3000 600 Harvall 1500 300 Holy sword of the Order 500 100 Illegal sword 350 70 Rusty sword 100 20 Sword of the Order 350 70 Temerian steel sword 200 40 Dol Blathanna rune sword 1000 500 Sword of Vaclav's grandfather – –
- see Meteorite swords
- see also Blade enhancement
- see also The Witcher 2 steel swords
Silver swords[]
In The Witcher, silver swords are used primarily against monsters as they reportedly have little effect on humans and non-humans. Unlike the steel, meteorite and rune swords in the game, these can not be bought or sold.
Description Buy Sell Witcher's silver blade – – Aerondight – – Moon Blade – –
- see Rune swords
- see also Blade enhancement
- see also Silver swords in The Witcher 2
Heavy weapons[]
Heavy weapons also known as Large weapons can not be used in Witcher styles, but serve their occasional purpose in battle or in the form of orens when sold. Enemies who have less than 33% of their vitality left may be stunned and/or knocked down by any heavy weapon attack. Nevertheless, as with short weapons, they can not be used in Stun-finishers, meaning that while Geralt performs a finishing move, only increased damage is dealt but the opponent will not die as a result unless the damage exceeds current vitality.
Description Buy Sell Axe 200 40 Heavy club 50 10 Mahakaman two-handed axe 300 60 Two-handed morningstar 50 10 Two-handed steel axe 280 56
Short weapons[]
These weapons, also known as "light weapons" or "small weapons", are of questionable value to Geralt, but some do have their particular useful applications and they can be picked up and sold for orens, which is particularly useful during the early chapters. Once Geralt obtains Raven's armor, he can carry two, rather than one, of these weapons at any one time. Enemies who have less than 33% of their vitality left may be stunned and/or knocked down by any short weapon attack. Nevertheless, as with heavy weapons, they can not be used in Stun-finishers, meaning that while Geralt performs a finishing move, only increased damage is dealt but the opponent will not die as a result unless the damage exceeds current vitality. All short weapons carry the caveat "this weapon can not be combined with witchers' combat styles".
Description Buy Sell Assassin's dagger 150 30 Chain mace 150 30 Deithwen dagger 200 40 Dwarven axe from Carbon 100 20 Holy axe of the Order 500 100 Holy battle hammer of the Order 400 80 Kourbash 100 20 Light club 50 10 Mahakaman battle hammer 400 80 Mahakaman dagger 200 40 Mahakaman dwarven axe 400 80 Mahakaman rune dagger 300 60 Mount Carbon dwarven axe 400 80 Mount Carbon rune axe 400 80 Order battle hammer 250 50 Small axe 100 20 Stone hammer 400 80 Temerian battle flail 200 40 Temerian iron axe 200 40 Temerian iron dagger 50 10 Temerian steel axe 300 60 Temerian steel dagger 100 20 Torch 200 40