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Main quest
"What Lies Unseen"
Tw3 baw what lies unseen
Main quest
Blood and Wine
Suggested level
Southern tip of lake Seidhe Llygad.
Unseen Elder's lair.
If Geralt decides in The Night of Long Fangs to find Orianna.
1500 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level
Blood Simple
Tesham Mutna

The Night of Long Fangs is a main quest in the Blood and Wine expansion. Geralt will get this quest, if he decides to find Orianna and does not follow the quest Beyond Hill and Dale... to meet up with Damien.

Journal entry[]

Geralt now knew how to find the Unseen Elder's lair. He went to fetch Regis, and together they set off to meet the ancient bloodsucker. I can only imagine how difficult a Regis' predicament was. After all, he was about to help his dear friend set a deadly trap for another of his close comrades…
Regis had expressed some concerns about meeting with the Unseen Elder. These proved not at all unfounded nor in any way exaggerated. To say the ancient vampire treated his guests impolitely would be a gross understatement. In a matter of moments, the Unseen paralyzed Regis, while he took Geralt and, much as if he were a rag doll, hurled him to the floor of the cave. The witcher was hurt rather badly. Yet somehow he needed to find an understanding with the vampire…
The Unseen's ghastly reputation proved entirely deserved. He had exactly no tolerance for unexpected guests. And he was mortal danger embodied. In the end Geralt managed to convince the creature to help him, but persuading the beast had almost cost the witcher his life. I have no doubt the witcher breathed a sigh of relief after their meeting, and drew comfort from the thought it would not be the Unseen he would face during the final confrontation at Tesham Mutna.


  • Go to the Unseen Elder's lair.
  • Open the entrance to the Unseen Elder's lair using Orianna's key.
  • Enter the Unseen Elder's lair.
  • The Unseen Elder attacks Regis: (timed)
    • Stop right there.
    • Don't want to hurt you. (×)
  • Find a healing potion.
  • Drink Swallow to regenerate Vitality. (300 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Find a way to appease the Unseen Elder.
  • Leave lair. (800 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
    • Regis: "Why stay and risk your hide?"
      • Dunno.
      • For the reward.
      • For you. (×)
  • The story continues with Tesham Mutna.